The First Game of 2018 (WePick)

@Simon what was your check?


Orangeandblack5 has been shot! Their role was Host.


Neutral Game Mechanic

You are the evil person who made this game for the sole purpose of running a game you wanted to run by disguising it as a Upick. Jammy is not amused.

  • Ability Runner - You receive all night PMs from all players.
  • VC slave - You must make votecounts for the players, and answer their questions.
  • God dammit Ici - Icibalus will duck in and out of the game and meme about. Beware.

You win if the game goes smoothly

Please continue with the day. Orangeā€™s ghost will run the game from now on.


Who let this random guy into the police station?

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If he takes any longer to respond are we voting him?

No. We would vote me or hippo still. At most he would confirm himself evil. He can however effect the next round of investigations which is important. Thatā€™s why we are waiting.

You already saw my reasoning for why one of us MUST be evil.

Basically N0 if every Cop hits town there will be 3 town results and 2 Mafia results. There were 4 town results and 3 Mafia results. That means that at least 1 person who got a town result and at least 1 person who got a Mafia result either hit maf or is maf.

The people who got a mafia check were Me, Noz and Hippo. One of us either is or hit a mafia

I checked Marl, Noz checked me and Hippo check Noz. So one of those is mafia

The people who got a town check were Dino, Wolfie, Simon and Marl. One of these is either maf or hit a mafia.

Wolfie and Simon checked Dino, Dino checked Simon, Marl checked Noz.

Noz is town so that means that Marl and Hippo are not one of the Cops that hit a Mafia.

That leaves Dino, Wolfie and Simon. One of these people are Naive. The other possabilityā€™s are not outrule by the above so lets suppose that the other 2 are Mafia.

If they are the mafia then everyone else ISNā€™T the mafia and will appear as such N0. That means that All 3 of the maf checks were town on town. This is simply impossible and thus false. That means that someone else is mafia outside of you three so now lets look at Marl.

If Marl is mafia then My check was on a Mafia and thus could be Sane. However this would also mean that there would be 1 less town check meaning that one of either Wolfie, Dino or Simon is maf (this means that me and Marl cannot both be on a maf team). The other 2 are Naive and Parity cop. both would receive a town result always.

Oh fuck I havenā€™t actually ruled out Marl!

Anywayā€™s if that is the case that also means that I am the sane cop and I got a mafia check on Wolfie. Since in this situation Hippo CANNOT be on a maf team with Marl that means that he is insane cop in this situation. That means that I am framed so wolfie isnā€™t meaning that he is actually maf and so is marl. luckly for us that also means that in this situation both Dino and Simon are definetly town and one of them is parity cop. Dino checked Simon N0 and Wolfie N1 and got town both times so he might just be Naive.

If Simon got a mafia check on me or wolfie then then the situation I stated is true. If Simon got a town check on me or wolfie or he got a maf check on hippo or Marl then then the situation is false. If Simon checked Dino again then he is obviously scum and should be dealt with after hippo cuz Marl isnā€™t scum.

If Simon got a town check on hippo then the situation where Marl is maf is also true because it means that Hippo wasnā€™t framed or mafia. If Simon got a town check on Marl then it is a 50/50 with 2 chances anyway.

Now what if Simon is mafia? In that situation Marl must be town because if Marl is mafia then Wolfie wasnā€™t framed and also I must be sane. If I wasnā€™t sane that would require too meny mafia to make sense. If Wolfie wasnā€™t framed (cuz I was) then my check on him was legit and he is mafia. That means that there would be 3 total mafia.

If Marl isnā€™t mafia then that means that me or Hippo must be. If Marl isnā€™t maf that also means my N0 check was on town. We know that there should be 2 Maf checks if all of them are town on town. If I am mafia then thats only 1 Town on Town mafia check but that would also mean that Noz is paranoid because Hippo claimed to have his result change when he checked me. This would bring us back to the 50/50 we had before.

Dino checked Simon N0 and thus isnā€™t sane. He also checked wolfie N1 and so either he isnā€™t parity or wolfie was framed. If wolfie was framed then Marlā€™s check on Hippo was legit and thus he is maf meaning that the situation is false. Since wolfie wasnā€™t framed that means that Wolfie must be parity or sane, it this particular case it does not matter. as either way it means that Dino and Marl are clear.


If Marl is maf then Me and Hippo are BOTH clear and Dino is also maf.

Dino, Simon and Wolfie contain exactally 1 mafia

Any situation other than Hippo/me and either Wolfie or Simon being maf requires a lot of very specific things to be true and also clears lots of people.

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lol. Forgot about this thing half way through. This was why there was exactally 1 maf within the N0 town checks/checkers and exactally 1 maf within the N0 maf checks/checkers

It was also why Marl was clear

By that list I ment that

Me, Hippo, Noz and Marl contain exactally 1 maf. It is obviously not Noz

Wolfie Simon, Dino and Marl are the same deal

If marl is mafia then 1 group will have 2 mafia and thus he isnā€™t


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(Forum is mean)

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btw that means that we know that Noz isnā€™t sane cuz that would mean that I was maf and Hippo was insane meaning that there would be no paranoid cop. There must be one so that means itā€™s Noz if I am mafia.


By that I mean that if I am mafia that Noz is paranoid cop because there was 3 mafia checks (me, Hippo and Noz) one of witch must be paranoid. Hippo isnā€™t paranoid cuz he got a town check on me and I am not paranoid if I am mafia meanding that if I am mafia then Noz must be paranoid by possess of elimination.


Itā€™s a deduction. I canā€™t be wrong unless a town is lying.

Will Nuclear keep talking to himself if I keep changing my answer?

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