The First Game of 2018 (WePick)

that’s why I’m voting Noz.

I didn’t even check him at all but I know that 2 others did.

We do only have 12 hours to lynch someone or a random town WILL die. And generally we can’t gain any info from a lynch since there are no night kills. Unless we let the random death go through and we can confirm someone as town. (Spoiler, that actually isnt a good play though.)

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Random death does not confirm anyone as town

It confirms the person who dies as town.

Wait if we lynch someone are they not revealed as town or maf?

Which, believe it or not, is useful info. Still not a good play though.

Are they? I have no idea.

That’s quite important lol

I assume they are so we wanna lynch someone who has been checked by at least one other person to learn sanities.

they both conflict.

Your point here? You just got rid of two of my possible santies which is good :+1:

Already said this is OMGUS

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I’ll ask just to confirm.
After lynching someone, will it be revealed whether they were mafia or town?

My point with #2 is that Sane and parity are the key cops that we need to find. Since I know you are not any of those I am ok with lynching you compared to everything else.

Uhm, are you actually saying this?? Town has a fragile majority and even one mislynch can tip the scales

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Nuclear it doesn’t matter which cops we find. The game won’t go on long enough anyway. We just need to confirm someone as something and suddenly we are in a SUPER strong position.

Yes but confirming someone has naive or paranoid for example doesn’t really help us

It really does. If we confirm 1 person as 1 thing we basically win tbh.

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It helps us as we know other maf/townie checks are more legit

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Something to note from my perspective: Burrito checked me as mafia. To me, this means he can ONLY be the insane cop or the paranoid cop (or mafia obviously). I’m not really sad losing either.

Also 5 to 2 is not a fragile majority with no night kills. We can have 2 miss lynches and still win if start lynching maf.

And lynching you still gives us the most info

Albeit I’d obviously rather not mislynch at all.