The First Game of 2018 (WePick)

A question. Do we get assigned the mafia/town alignment before or after deciding our role name?

After, but alignment will be completely random.

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Well it seems like the same basic idea.

p much, you pick flavor I pick abilities

Now that PMs arenā€™t broken, Iā€™ll send out the quick survey.

So I managed to miss sending one to @Wolfy, whoops

Still waiting on @DinoMask too


Please confirm in PMs, and send in your N0 action if you have one.
Feel free to talk here.
The countdown timer will begin once all people have confirmed.

@Wolfy @Simon @Hippolytus @Ami @Marluxion @NuclearBurrito @DinoMask

Itā€™s New Years and people may still be hangover if thatā€™s a thingā€¦

Never the less


/Confirm as well.

GL HF :sweat_smile:


Wait a secondā€¦

There are no night kills and I have a feeling there are no conversions either baised on the fact that this is using standard mafia type roles


That being said. Role call immediately.

I am a rethemed sheriff called the Psychologist. I already used my N0 check unfortunately (luckily it was a mafia anyways) Iā€™ll tell everyone who it was at the start of D1

Everyone say your role name. Your Abilityā€™s and what you did N0

Iā€™m calling BS, this is different from your town behavior imo

Are you saying my town behavior isnā€™t to be super agressive and demand people claim immediately?

You seem to be a follower at the start. I also doubt we got our N0 results

This is me when I play hunter or Knight. I also do it a psy and phys. And yes I did get my N0 results immediately, anyone else who gets N0 results can confirm that it works like that

I got my N0 result, Mafia check on you Burrito. Unless you are a fool like role, my good sir you fucked up