The First Game of 2018 (WePick)

Uh… We don’t have very long at all left in this day. If anyone is around I encourage you to discuss and vote up someone. We’ve waited far too long.

If the random town death goes through, we will OFFICIALLY Be LyLo. None of us want this.

It’s like 5 and a halfish hours away I believe (since there is no timer)

1 of me and burrito is 100% maf but there is no reason why I am more a more probable scum than him.

I apologise for my inactivity I’ve been feeling ill af and I have to work cuz I don’t get sickleave. I get home in 5 hours and I promise I’ll do a proper defence then. Sorry.

I don’t think you have 5 hours, unless @orangeandblack5 can extend the day?

I’m adding one now

Got that as I was lying in bed lol

He told me he would extend it in pm


dammit hippo i told you not to tell the others


Timer aside there is currently 3:22 remaining

I’m going to be going to sleep, so I won’t be able to rescind off of Hippo. Good luck whoever you all choose to hang.

Hopefully it isn’t me :smile:

Marlo has been lynched

I don’t want a rando lynch so i guess i’ll /vote hippo too. Though if anyone else wants to, i’m cool with voting Wolfy.

Wait? Are you serious? Cuz it the day just ended then the majority of votes were on hippo.

/Vote hippo

You have 32 mins left

How many votes do we need?

I’m fairly sure that as long as 4 people don’t suddenly vote someone other than hippo we are good.

Isn’t it a random lynch if no one gets voted though? Or is it whoever has the most votes?

It’s random if there is a tie. And it’s amung the tied people. Orange can correct me if I am wrong


Well I guess that’s it. Good luck for tonight, guys.