The First Game of 2018 (WePick)

Let me rephrase. There are no believable worlds in which you can be the insane. There are some RIDICULOUSLY small chances that you could be.

unless youā€™re mafia
i agree that this is unlikely, and that you know to yourself youā€™re not mafia, but it is a possibility

yeah, this

Unless you believe that I first voted hippo to bus him and planned to bus him from the get go, Iā€™m not mafia.

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like. theres the world where orange decided to be crazy and make us all insane, but still give us the results we got for whatever reason, but we were still technically insane

like i said, i agree its unlikely, and it probably falls under the ridiculously small chances of happening


Actually it is impossible for Marl to be mafia. It is also impossible for me to be mafia. Itā€™s not a matter of scum reading itā€™s mathmatically provable.

Let me elaborate. First I will explain why I am clear as it is fairly simple.

First letā€™s assume I am Mafia. We know hippo is also mafia because he is dead meaning that no one else is mafia in this sinario. Noz checked me mafia so he would either be sane cop that checked me or paranoid cop.

First of all if he is sane cop then that begs the question of who the Paranoid cop actualy is. It canā€™t be me or hippo if I am Mafia and everyone else got a town check so itā€™s no one. This is blatantly false.

Now if he is Paranoid cop then that doesnā€™t apply. However it would also mean that everyone who claimed to check town N0 was telling the truth. Other than Noz no one checked me or hippo N0 meaning that the insane cop would get a Maf result. No one did so this situation is false.


Nvm on marl being clear. I just realized no one other than me checked him N0 and stuff.

Still unlikely though.

What are your thoughts on the universe of

Noz - Insane
Burrito - Paranoid
Hippo - Mafia
Marl - Parity
Dino - Sane (checked wolfy n1, same night the second maf was tailored)
Simon - Naive
Wolfie - Mafia

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But hereā€™s the thing. I checked Dino n.0 and they were town. However, you the checked them this night and they were mafia. I donā€™t think you could be the sane or parity cip to be frank Marl. I think you might be the naive

It means that either Dino may not be maf because a sane frame gets a mafia result, as does naive.

In conclusion Marl, I donā€™t think you could be the sane. But naive sounds more plausible to me

I cannot be naive, I checked hippo Mafia n2. I have to be sane or mafia.


Remember, Wolfy. If Iā€™m parity and Dino is town, I will get a MAFIA Result on my check since my last check was on a mafia (and their alignments differed.)

So Iā€™m either Parity

Or Iā€™m sane and dino is framed. I donā€™t think framing Dino is a good play there ever so, I donā€™t believe Iā€™m sane.

The only reason I checked Dino was because I expected them to be town so I could test to see if I was parity or sane.

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Tell that to Sketch.


I asked Orange about it in a private message and he said a naive cop wouldnā€™t see someone whoā€™s been framed as mafia.

So according to what you asked Orange, Naive will still see a person as town even if they were framed? (just to understand this better)

yeah, not sure if thereā€™s other roles framing doesnā€™t effect.
