The First Game of 2018 (WePick)


Also I must apologise for my lack of concentration slightly this game. The only two people here that knows what happened is Ryan and Orange. Marlon probably knows what happened but is questionable. I rather keep it between the two/three of us for now, but once Iā€™m ready, I can tell you if people are interested via dms on discord or what have you.

But I should be back to concentrating more right now so hope yo see you guys in more games in the future


Thatā€™s what I just said lol

:+1: keep at it

Whatā€™s role cop?

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And slander*


I came
I saw
I decided that I didnā€™t want to play this game
I memed


You arenā€™t Julis Ceaser goddamn it Ici!

Apparently some people enjoyed it

Go figure

How about this?

Sane cop
Parity cop
Naive cop
Insane cop
Stalker cop (reverse parity Cop)
Paranoid cop
Mafioso (Can night kill if alone at night. If he does the killed player will have his sanity revealed)

Also I would suggest that dead playerā€™s keep access to the chats they are in. That way everyone can participate. If you do that then the Mafioso should be a roleblock kill.

Also the tanner should be able to self tanner. I donā€™t know why that wasnā€™t already a thing.

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Do you mean tailor?

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I thought Iā€™d be alright to self-tailor which is why I asked to be invested lul.



Actually if you did that then Wolfy would have been found faster because I would have seen Wolfy as mafia.

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@orangeandblack5 whats role cop?

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You ā€œroleā€ a dice and if you get a 4 you get a TOWN result as it has 4 letters and if you get a 5 you get a MAFIA result as it has 5 letters. If you ā€œroleā€ a 6 you are told your previous result again, and if you get a one you receive a free VHS copy of 101 Dalmations. If you ā€œroleā€ a 3 you are immediately ā€œfreedā€ from the forums which is essentially banned, and you can not return for a number of days which is dependent upon the number of people currently alive * days since the last Chinese New year + number of good DC films. I canā€™t remember exactly what happens if you ā€œroleā€ a 2 but I think it rhymes with Seppuku at one point.

Personally I prefer to have a parity cop but many people including orange prefer role cops as they add a more random element.

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oh ha, ha, ha