The First Game of 2018 (WePick)

Noz accused me. Either he’s maf or its bastard effects in play

Or you’re not sane, or you’re mafia

Just listing possibilities

My not being sane does not effect my read on Noz. Me being mafia is something I can rule out even if you can’t.

yeah, you could be right, but whenever someone accuses immediately on the second day it’s a red flag for me.

I’m just posting my night 0 result. What was yours?

Simon is town. And I can’t scum read for the life of me so that’s all i’ve got for now.

Technically it’s the first day

Yeah, but I’m counting Night 0.

First day being defined by the first day with a lynch

I defend you and you sass me XD.

Oh, it’s not directed at you, I just point out stuff looks that in general in an attempt to avoid confusion

Remember. Town and Mafia results can BOTH be the result of sanity effects.

I guess no one else is on right now. Now we wait.

Hello, and welcome to Insanity Cops.

My name is orangeandblack5, and I shall be your traumatizer this evening.

Our story begins at the Blinzer Police Academy, an institution dedicated to training the next generation on effective scumhunting techniques. They have been having some issues with their graduating class this year, who seem to be underperforming, but have been unable to solve the issue.

It probably wasn’t helping that two of the students were undercover agents for the Mafia, sent to learn the techniques that would be used against their Family. With this knowledge, they could easily tamper with evidence to hide or frame others.

On a drug raid, two BPA graduates, Elastoid and Exacerbated, discovered the identity of the moles. This information was passed along to the Academy’s headmaster, Deleter, who decided this would be the perfect chance to test their graduating class.

And so a test was set up. Each night, the seven members of the graduating class would get a chance to use the skills they had attained to attempt to discern the identity of another student. Every day, the students would vote on one person for the headmaster to take into custody. If the students correctly identified and imprisioned both of the moles, they would be allowed to graduate. If not, they would all be expelled.

Unbeknownst to the headmaster, however, the moles are not content with awaiting their impending doom. They have taken it upon themselves to tamper with the other students’ investigations.

The stage is set. The game begins.

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The following dossier was accidentially left behind by Gobln, the Dean:

Role List:

  • Cop (Normal results)
  • Insane Cop (Reversed results)
  • Naive Cop (Only Town results)
  • Paranoid Cop (Only Mafia results)
  • Obsessive Cop (Parity cop, same = town, different = mafia)
  • Framer (Makes target appear as Mafia)
  • Tailor (Makes target appear as Town)


I love how NozBugz referenced Danganronpa earlier, and now the “we all lose if we get it wrong” rule is there.

I got noz as mafia. Let’s just get a compendium of what everyones results are and we should be able to figure out who’s lying pretty quickly tbh. There’s only one of each cop.

As i’ve said, my results are that Simon is Town. I don’t think there’s a time limit, and since there’s no night deaths, i’m willing to wait another few days to figure everything out.