The FM Awards - Mountainous All Stars - Game Over (Actual Super Good Town Performance)

at least this forces scum to participate in wagons

note to self
claim scum at the start of my next scum game



also if you night kill me you’re a coward

I always meme abit D1 regardless of alignment as do most ppl

Since this is a “PROFESSIONAL” game
Whenever someone dies, try to always ISO them with their flip in mind
Usually scum will kill for a reason

This applies to both nightkills and lynches btw
even if they flip scum, you should look at their previous posts


Except that I’ve yet to see Marl jokingly claim scum as scum.

Aside from it, if PKR flips scum then I’d assume that his scumbuddy may have been inactive for this time considering that everyone is piling suspicion on him and that I don’t think people would willingly bus in this setup.

If you want to analyse D1 memes in my experience Marl participates in it more as scum.

But I suggest you don’t bother trying and focus on actual gameplay.

True, unless PKR is their buddy :thinking:

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i dont think we should meta read too much this game

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not because meta reading isn’t effective - it is
but it’s not a good habit
if we’re gonna have a professional game we should avoid it being the only thing we discuss if we can

Something to notice is how they both had the same thought at the same time, and if they are both mafia they could of planned this out.

y tho

what a pointless plan

if they were planning that out
why wouldn’t they just have burrito avoid the wagon entirely instead of dipping his toesies into it

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I am online btw.
I’m not feeling too well, so I apologise for not being fully active.
3 votes on a very short time on FK caused Alarm bells to me.
It meant he could’ve very almost been quickhammered meaning I had to step in as quickly as I could

Trying to get the wagon to stop , could also be seen as getting Town credit as they both pretty much had the same idea at the same time.

Because he could get credit from “getting info”

you didn’t have to step in
it’s rvs
in an invitational game
nobody is stupid enough to hammer the first RVS wagon


Nobody would have quickhammered him. Most players here are at a pretty decent skill level and had anyone quickhammered him we’d instantly known that they were Mafia.