The FM Awards - Mountainous All Stars - Game Over (Actual Super Good Town Performance)

Livi got any early scumreads?

I have a gut feeling on Blizer from earlier because of how he jumped onto Litten’s wagon at the start of the game

but also maybe Marl, because there’s a chance he’s actually maf and is WIFOM us before Sarun pointed out his usual quirk of claiming maf when town in prior games

Wait so you are scumreading him because he claimed that he COULD be wifoming us into making us think he’s Town.

That’s a bad reason tbh.

It’s a gut feeling Litten

Qucik, someone convince me to replace out.

But your first gut feeling was off of how they acted, your second one is different because they aren’t acting that way, you instead think they could be WIFOMING us which means you basically think they be scum cause they could be scum.

Weak reasoning but it is a valid point that Marl could be WIFOM-ing and therefore we can’t lock-town him because he claimed scum at the beginning of the game. I don’t think you can scumspect someone for saying that.

I never said we can lock Town him, im saying they had weak reasons for their scum so I’m suspecting them of putting it there for the sake of putting it there.

True, but a common towntell is just posting what you think at the time which means that Marl WIFOM comment most likely is NAI.

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Because if you are scum it makes our life easier


Still, I want them to explain why they placed it both as gut reads when one of them means absolutely nothing.

Luxy asked me for gut reads so I typed what came to my mind

The whole PKR thing is being tunnelled by Hippo

I think the PKR situation is still good to look into, imo I feel like PKR has a higher chance to flip scum then blizer.

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So you think blizer has a better chance of flipping scum?

I agree here, PKR is acting a lot like he did in Ritual Mafia and it feels super off. I want to see more from PKR especially what he thinks about Blizer and hippo since apparently he scumreads hippo. Also PKR saying we should use this extra discussion time is super LAMIST as it is basically unspoken that we use discussion time. Anyone who comes out and says we should use discussion time pings scum trying to act super towny to me.

In Blizer’s case, at least he put reasons as to why he jumped on FK’s wagon.

Ngl the fact that he scumreads hippo bothers me. He is scumreading him due to “memes” which imo isn’t a valid excuse. It just seems like scum trying to make up one, because PKR should know that hippo does meme.

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Almost everyone memes around day 1. Especially during RVS.

Also, I just remembered in RM, PKR tried to push a mislynch on Vulgard for memeing around D1. I think it’s scum PKR.


/vote PKR

@Icibalus vc please.

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Fuck this is so LAMIST as well. I think PKR realised he made a mistake pushing on hippo for meme-ing, realised it and is trying to backtrack out by saying he wanted to slow everything down.

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How tf am i tunnelling pkr ive voted PKR once, fire twice, marl once and my vote is on luxy. Learn what tunneling is please.