The FM Awards - Mountainous All Stars - Game Over (Actual Super Good Town Performance)

He always does LAMISTy stuff like that, even when town.

I didn’t like his blatant attempts to pocket FK by white knighting him and his bad excuse to vote Hippo which essentially felt as raw opportunism.

If PKR flips scum though, which is somewhat likely based on those tells, then this essentially soft-clears FK, Hippo, and Marl, so we’d have far less suspects to work on.


No, they were just following the flowchart

It’s a 9v2. Bussing here would be just downright stupid for scum to do, so associative reads should be an extremely strong indicator here.

Is joke

Accused Voters Number of Votes
PokemonKidRyan Marluxion, Blizer, Luxy 3/6
Blizer Solic, Sarun, Livicus 3/6
Hippolytus NuclearBurrito, PokemonKidRyan 2/6
Sarun Firekitten 1/6
Luxy Hippolytus 1/6

Anyone voting Hippo has their vote on almost certainly town

@Alice @Solic @Livicus Imo the PKR lynch gives us more information to work with than Blizer
PKR flipping scum also pseudo clears Blizer

@Hippolytus @Kirefitten
literally what are those votes

I’m evil

thanks for helping us
/vote Luxy

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Unvote Hip
I have some posts to catch up on.

like 10

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I’m very much intrigued on why you’re voting Luxy. They’ve claimed evil but day 1 is often meme phase so we cannot take everything at it’s basic word.
Luxy’s behaviour has been… Adequate. So I wouldn’t be overly pushing their lynch today.

I cannot tell with you Marl, as you’re essentially being like “Get PKR, Get PKR” but recently you’ve done that as scum. Yet then your reasoning was beyond just saying LAMIST, OMGUS. So, I cannot remember if tunnelling is what you do as both good and bad. I’ll have to look it up when on laptop.

Pkr I’m pretty sure you know that marl is also memeing by voting luxy.


Invalid reason ;/

Yeah, I just need to pick up on it. The one thing Ici specified in my invitational was that there were selected players to reduce memeing. Especially the flowchart but others too

/vote Luxy Are we doing over my deathtunnel, yes we are.

I’m sure marls vote on me was a joke

Mine isn’t though, top 3 scumreads, scum.

And what makes you think that? :eyes: