The FM Awards - Mountainous All Stars - Game Over (Actual Super Good Town Performance)


the fact that i cant tell which side is the scum side and which side is the town side

probably means this list makes no sense


can you like
elaborate a little bit

1 is scummiest
10 is towniest

I want to explain every read but I am on mobile

How am I the towniest and how is eevee the scummiest

And why do you flip flop on Luxy?

Thing is like pkr seems to give 0 shits

I feel like if he was scum he’d be trying.

Well, considering how your strategy had changed for power role games, I tried to think how you’d act in a mountainous game. As usual you’re still trying a fair bit, not messing around unlike some. So I believe you’re showing your usual town motivation.

Eevee told me her prefers playing citizen in the past, he is a hard working player as that class and is often a leader as a result on his own forum. The lack of hard work, no reads, no analysis. It’s AI for his scum games

But here’s the thing. I don’t even think I would be able to see myself as townie right now and much less other people. That’s saying something.

The problem and reason you’re not lock town atm (You’re moderate) is your lack of confidence. It’s the only difference to your games now

My confidence shattered as soon as this game started.

Also how is 8 moderate.

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10 - Lock town
9 - High town (I would only consider voting if someone was proven)
8 - Moderate to high town (I would consider given a strong enough reason but it would have to be a huge turnabout)
7 - Moderate town (I’m happy keeping these players alive because they are likely Town. Should nobody die below this, I normally look in here)
6 - Town Lean (Null but for now has had some alright posts. More likely to be reevaluated)
5 - Scum Lean (Null but for now has some slightly scummy posts)
4 - Moderate scum
3 - Moderate to high scum
2 - High Scum
1 - Lock Scum

That’s even a higher contradiction that solic pointed out. You said their behavior was decent and then you put them as a scum lean

Their behaviour is adequate.
However, in a game like this I’d rather put 2 people as lean scum so that way we can see out of the 4 in the “null lean group” who I’d vote in what order

Wait so you basically put them there cause you had no one better to.

No, no. It’s not a contradiction.
By that I mean that I wouldn’t vote Luxy today.
My vote would be Eevee

I don’t see any vote. :eyes:

I’m not explaining it easily right now.
It’s a bit difficult to keep my train of thought while just typing on mobile.
Also, it’s because Solic is my 3rd scummiest person. I can literally order everyone if needed

It’s a contradiction, because your’e townreading Luxy in one post and for no reason switch it to scum lean.