The Forum Resistance [Canned/Spies Win]

Hmmm, that’s super sketch but I still think there was a wolf on the mission, either that or I’m thinking the more likely two. Reason being that so many approved it there had to be some wolf on it but none of them chose to be the one to fail it thinking the other(s) were going to.

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Raise your hand if you want flavor text. I can provide cause I’m booreedd and need sumthin to do.

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Now, the fact the mission actually went through when it’s clear that the spies almost certainly supported it means that we can safely assume that there’s at least one spy hoping for towncred on there.

I’ve already accused Frost and Wolfy.
So I won’t change my ideas

It’s more likely that there were at least 2 spies on the mission, so they all left it to each other to fail it


Or you know there’s spy among the selected group so you have to reject to gain cred that way too.

Either way works.

I think it’s Unknown and Frost then if there’s 2 there

It’s possible. Or Ici and someone,perhaps yourself even?

It takes two spies to fail in Rainbow Six Team, yeah I know it’s original.

If I see one person that is selected from team that failed, I am going to reject no matter what.

I suspected Frost before this part even happened.
I suspected Wolfy in the failure of the mission.
The spies were clearly happy and I rejected the mission.

If I was one of 2 spies there, why would I want to deny it when’s I could approve the team, reject it and frame Frost?

Maybe because you knew their were multiple spies on the mission?

Why would I reject the one Wolfy was on after calling him out as a spy immediately pretty much?


So I bussed and rejected this mission because of multiple spies including me being on it?
That’s pretty illogical, surely you can agree

It’s only on the 4th mission.
I do have standards you know

I rejected on second mission like you did.

This is my first time so I have no idea who I am trusting at the moment.

But not impossible

That’s an interesting thought.

Does that mean the leader would be a Spy as well, since that mission would’ve put a lot of heat on the leader too?

So two fails coming through with the overkill, and suddenly we’re glancing at the leader of that one.

It’s less likely a Resistance member would’ve chosen two Spies.