Passive 1: Skilled fighter | Death immune.
Passive 2: Just a flesh wound | Bleed immune.
Day 1: Stick Em Up (one use) | Target will not be able to use Day or Night abilities for one night and the target will be unable to vote.
Day 2: Warning Shot (two uses) | Causes target player to bleed, also causes target player to become unable to vote for the day.
Night 1: Deadly Aim (inf uses) | Kill someone if they are death immune you occupy them and your attack gains Death Immunity bypass the next night.
Night 2: Sentry (2 uses) | keep watch over a player; bleed and occupy all players who visits your target. The Gunslinger becomes occupy immune on the night that they use this ability.
What do you guys think? Ill take feedback and post revised versions! Lets hope that Imperium42 sees this!