Me too!
@Mercenary If you can have me here’s my char sheet and stuff. Put quite a bit of time into it.
I never would have tried to sub out if I had known you weren’t starting until after Thursday haha.
Note for char sheet: my race (ghostwise halfling) gives me +1 wis and +2 dex beyond the value from the rolls above I choose for each of those two (that’s why dex is 20 and wis is 18).
I also took the 5d4 gold that monk offered, rolling 16, and spent all of it instead of the alternative gear the class offered.
just changed the link to the char sheet, now updated in the post above
edited it slightly
that can happen with this stat roll mechanism
you could also get ability scores of 3 or 4 or something
And I thought I had good rolls lol
I will most likely divide by classes
Actually I should divide by hit points since most of you are in the attacker role
cries in score of 5
I’ll search for less swingy die methods next time
Or straight up roll 1d20 for each
Ngl my dream is to have a CON 1 Wizard
Die is 6
1 CON is -5
Level 1 HP is 6-5=1
Then everyone he levels up I choose the default value (3) instead of rolling
Making him always 1 HP
You are now cursed with makesheetnes
Actually if you say in advance what you play on making I can already start to organize the parties and start one game
Looks at Sheet
Computer deletes excel sheet parts upon opening.
Use google sheets
Generally arrays help with that.
I find point buy already too generic
What char do you plan on creating
Also I’m planning on be a cool sis and let both groups start with magic items
Actually it is to follow what I usually do with magic item distribution and also because magic is amazing
Both parties start with one random common item, one random consumable uncommon item and one random uncommon item
They’re supposed to be some kind of collective property so don’t start discussing over it or I’ll just give everyone the shittiest HP potion available kthx