The King's nomination procces

Currently in Throne of Lies When a king dies two people step forward and most of the time people vote randomly because they don’t know what the guys stepping forward’s classes are. I think the people who are stepping forward and being voted should have some seconds to say why they should get voted up. This way it’s more fun and challenging.


Maybe, but then I requires people to judge who to trust of those stepping forward the most.

I 100% agree the ppl standing should be able to talk and no one else can, nominations are a shit show atm

If you’re Noble, tell the other Noble you’re going to step up and have the King write your name in his Journal as the next to step up, anyone else stepping up is scum. Then you have a definitive successor.

Otherwise, if you’re Princess, just whisper the King saying you’ll step up and the King should note it in his journal, if he doesn’t, then screw it…

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That’s bad if I’m being honest. If there’s an evil King you are basically screwed because you gave info to a king that wants the unseen to win. Kings usually die day2-4 and at that stage of the game no one knows if the king is bad, good or neutral unless they are poisoned which happens often.

The nomination process is over before you know it. Nominees should definitely get 10 seconds of exclusive time to talk about why they should be King. I usually just randomly vote and hope it doesn’t look suspicious to others.