The Magistrate [Neutral Investigative]

It does.


if it bypasses DI then MM shouldnā€™t show up as BD

because ā€œyolo check someone as BD -> stab the BDā€ accidentally killing the MM N1 is a thing

idea works on paper
how would class play out in practice

1/14, also you donā€™t care.

the judge doesnā€™t care

but the cultseen would

but the Unseen probably cares

this is dealbreaker question

it seems just like inq
just without having three vig shots available at start of game

I started designing this class because I wanted to rework Inquisā€¦ and then I just made him into itā€™s own thing.

1/14 chance to have main scum die super early is bad
Reason for giving MM immunity is to prevent game from being decided by random action early on


mindmeld might be

i feel like the two classes spawning together would be moderately problematic

could give them the priest/mystic ā€œcant spawn togetherā€ treatment

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why are inqā€™s shots able to kill anyone btw

in ToL they donā€™t bypass anything but healing

in FoL they are super strongman because starting heretic MM is a possibility, i assume

wait i misunderstood the question

i dont know

Because Inq is a badly designed class and I wouldnā€™t be sad if he was removed.


this applies to at least two other neutrals

Sellsword andā€¦?

Assuming this is replacing inq

Would it need to be adjusted to be able to townside less easily (given that faction trial is a very potent BD-siding ability)

known but xblade will likely never remove fool


The only issue with Fool is the penalty not cooperating with the current meta, also off-topic :slight_smile:

except you need the BD you find to die and once you use it once you cant faction check anymore

disagree but offtopic

Probably would need an adjustment, like ā€œcanā€™t use the same sentence 2 nights in a rowā€ assuming it fails or something, but thatā€™s balance and Iā€™m too tired for this.