The Minecraft Thread™


i know you won’t believe me

but this (the redstone) wasn’t me

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I believe you, actually

actually i technically did none of those things although i am partially responsible for the joycat epidemic

i did not place any of them at your place though, that was all soolit

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yeah, I thought as much

Where is the skeleton farm btw?

there’s a spruce forest to the right of spawn (if you’re looking at the mountain with marshals house on it)

look for the big tower

or just type /warp xpgrinder

but thats less fun

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woah woah woah

You can’t just add new warp points and not tell people


@sulit the least you could do is make the command to list warp points public

but we d i d

and you’re an ass

I don’t see where this takes us

let me pretend i didn’t forget abt this

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was wondering lol

i mean i don’t think the warp should exist personally

afaik the only two warps are spawn and that tho

and you’re a dick

this clearly takes us nowhere but i shitpost anyway

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On one hand I kinda agree

On the other there’s some part of me that thinks my time is more valuable than having to walk literally everywhere


I would like multiple homes rather than warps
But that’s just my preference


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Ladies put your handbags away, please

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everyone sets a home at oranges place