The Minecraft Thread™

the red stone one? That’s fine

I was thinking of putting it in my basement cause nobody else uses it


shoutout to @katze for the sponges that allowed this to happen


give them back or ill hunt you down and put joycats where you can’t reach

I’ll return them, the sand, and some gravel as a token of gratitude :slight_smile:

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Why the hell is there a raid on spawn


stupid pillager bitch got in the way of my arrow

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I try shooting a creeper and this dude just drops down off a hill and gets right in the way of a fully charge arrow

dude just burned to death and spawn is just a village

I think logging out delays it

so i logged out

but like

I dont want all the damn villagers to die seriously wtf

wait waht it was only like 2 pillagers we had to kill

thanks orange

Don’t return home with bad omen Marshal
if you would like I can help you survive semi far away

Just drink milk

It was three waves, you just hid for the first 2.5 and the ravager

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spawn should be semi safe for raids

unless the raiders spawn in mine or sulits house

which is possible (but afaik, pretty fucking unlikely)

hence why i don’t want to do raids on spawn :eyes:

but since the world is on easy mode

raids are… pretty non-dangerous

the worst you get is 2 ravagers on waves 3 and 3 again (raids are weird)

if we were on hard mode then a decent bad omen raid could be fairly dangerous to our villagers tho? but if we were on hard i’d probably give my villagers some security

also if we were on hard mode i’d have zombified my villagers a bunch because its super OP

Please no hard mode because my house is composed almost entirely of DOORS

Can we at least do normal easy is too easy

This project also took >1 full chest of sand

@MaximusPrime just give the elytra to @sulit btw

id prefer hard mode

normal mode still limits raids and also makes zombies converting villagers into zombie villagers not consistent (why is that only consistent on hardmode idgi)