The Minecraft Thread™


I do not know where orange’s house is so cannot do vandalism

this does not mean I am morally superior as it is unknown whether or not I would vandalize, only that I cannot, even if I wanted to


the only thing i did to the outpost was block a doorway, which i unblocked when you expressed discontent with that

and, well, shoot pillagers

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cba to even go try to find orange’s house tbh


Don’t log in the game for two days
Don’t know where Owangy lives

I don’t actually know where Orange’s house is as well

Are we keeping the difficulty on easy btw
Or is this only temporary

So I didn’t know what to name my pickaxe
And I was listening to a song



Personally I’m pretty happy with my names thus far

Guess how many diamonds I’ll get in a 4 diamond pocket and I’ll enchant something for someone lvl 3 four times free of charge

4 people allowed in
closest gets the enchants

8.8 (9) diamonds

3 diamonds




encrypted in base64, to ensure that I am not cheating the result
I’ll give the password after people have guessed

this site is for decrypting

256 bit

If you manage to guess the encryption password I’ll let you instantly win tbh

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@eevee, you’re studying encryption right

How hard would it be to crack this; with the knowledge it’s base64 + 256bit given it’s a password in all lower cases and utilises special characters

7 diamonds

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actually ill guess 8 but if i win i want eevee to get the prize