The Minecraft Thread™

ok so
my skybase blocks the sun
So whenever I go down at night there is always 10~ skeletons waiting for me

A creeper just blew up and revealed a diamond node for me



this is what the gamers call a gamer move

bruh i literally asked in chat whose stuff this was and why there was a bunch of stone

then i said i was taking said stone >.>

@katze Ping me when you’re awake?

-51, 17, 360

Lighting up a huge-ass cave for kat-chan. Drained 2 stacks of torches. Someone get me more?

AAAAA I give up. I’ve been at this for an hour and a half.

I’m pretty sure it’s just “several big-ass caves that happened to spawn together” instead of “one humongous-ass cave.”

We could raid it with a group later maybe?


i’d be down to join

i’ll log on rn if ur still on

Nah, I’ll be back on in like 2 hours or something.

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did you find the skeletons?



I’ll be on in like 10-15 min

(Or at least, I found skeletons, not sure if it were those skeletons.)

where the cave at

i can prob clear it myself

Hold on, am coming.

whoever took all the glass outta my furnaces and put it into the shulker box

thank you :D

twas i

i wanted to cook my fish but pretend i did it out of pure selflessness :wink:


wait who took all the potatoes reee

@sulit How did you make your wool farm?