The Minecraft Thread™

you remember the village we went to?
it wasn’t very far back
you’ll find the hole pretty quickly

Are you guys taking on the dragon today

probably not

Ah yes the server connection is the worst again
which time is it in america now

did someone say cube game

play cube game
watch mu podcast

choices choices

Ah yes. Diorite sensor.

725 42 1607

portal coords

I think I can’t log in because my mom is using her cellphone to play music, so I will download said music

server doown?

No, we kicked you for secret party.

is around 12 pm tomorrow a good time for dragon killing?

EST, presumably?


I think I’m open then


block game


we need to do UHC

UHC plugin

I could save the world we have rn and if we wanna do uhc I could load a uhc map into it and run that plugin

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