The Minecraft Thread™


Can you commit suicide to get it off?

I did

Give it to somebody else to wear.
But put Unbreaking on it first.

unbreaking 3 mending curse of binding leather armor

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Honestly any Curse of Binding chestplate would be bad

Even full enchanted netherite

prot 4 netherite

How though?
Because no elytra?

be in house

creeper walk in door

get blown up.

go back to spot where you got blown up

get blown up again

most stuff lost to 2nd blowup

at least it wasnt the marshole

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i just saw a true minecraft battle
server vs juggernaut

they had an absolutely insane diamond sword, an equally insane bow (that had both flame and infinity), a crossbow, a riptide trident, a water bucket, and so much protection on their armor that you couldn’t even do damage to them with an unenchanted diamond sword until their armor broke because it took like 10 hits to do half a heart of damage and they had full hunger at all times

they scored 109 kills against an army of people with full leather armor and diamond swords

Post link?
Sounds cool.

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Mr Beast huh

sometimes I legit think italy is 14

is there evidence to the contrary?

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I also uh

have been binge watching that series for like 3 hours and it is now 4am

dream is like if plot armor was a human