The Monkey's Paw

Granted. You never receive another lootbox as we all know good luck doesn’t exist in them.

I wish to have a friend to talk to right now.


I wish ice cream melted 2x slower than usual

Granted, it’s now so cold that the liquid nitrogen took over completely and now if you lick it, you die.

I wish the Stonks meme stays alive forever

Granted. People start naming their children stonks.

I wish I could go back to this Monday.


Granted. Time will end when it dies.

I wish I had the latest phone.

You have the latest phone, but you can only keep it on for 3 seconds straight

I wish all my homework was done

Granted. Your homework is so done with you.

I wish that everyone was modkilled

Granted. The mod decided to kill itself first, so no one else was modkilled.

I wish I wore a top hat.


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Granted. It’s obnoxiously tall and you can’t take it off

I wish I had the power to stop time

Granted. You don’t however have the power to resume it and time freezes infinitely after you stop it.

I wish for crackers

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Granted. They’re firecrackers, but you think they’re real crackers and try to eat them.

I wish my coursebooks cost less

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Granted. They cost $0.01 less but the shipping and handling increases by $5.

I wish that I had 10 or less ping in every online game that I played.

Granted. Any machine capable of online connections is destroyed the second you touch it.

I wish @Simon had a Goose

Granted. But you are the goose.

I wish @Maxwell becomes and stays happy.

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Granted but he forgets about the forums and never comes back because of it.

I wish that I could type at 200 wpm for long periods of time without hurting myself.

Granted. You don’t feel the pain, but you snap your fingers.

I wish Hja was my best friend.

Wheres the wish

Done, happy now.

Granted hja is now your best friend

I wish waz was My best friend