The NEW Court Wizard (ENTRY)

Entering the Court Wizard rework contest, good luck!

Day Abilites
Magic Potion - The Court Wizard gives a magic potion to the selected player protecting him from Unseen / Cult poison during the day time. Once the ability is done, targeted players will not get notified and neither will the poisoner. The poisoner will just be shown that they poisoned the player without knowing that the Court Wizard actually protected the innocent player. The ability can be casted up to 3 times.
Leftover Dust - The Court Wizard throws some leftover dust to the selected player preventing them from getting trollboxed at day time. This ability can be casted up to 2 (or 1) times.

Night Abilities
Baby Dragon - The effects are the same as the current Magic Barrier ones, but I’d just like to suggest a new name. The Court Wizard sends a baby dragon out of the selected player’s room. The eyesight of the dragon is the only thing needed to control the others who visit them (converting Mastermind / brainwashing Cult Leader, Drunk etc.) into their room.
Unknown Light - An sudden light appears in front of the Scorned(s) room(s) preventing them from getting out of their room to frame their target.

Before you make your final comment, I want to thank you for the time spent reading this. Also, these abilities do need some touching, I am sure. Lastly, I wish everyone good luck (again) for the contest!

Relies heavily on the fact that if there is a scorned or fool in game when there could not be


I don’t like this because it makes CW into a counter to Scorned and Fool that they don’t need


And they may not even be there


Somebody had suggested an ability that delays all effects on a target until the next night, I was trying to find that thread again to say I liked it but I don’t see it anymore


If you haven’t found it already, here it is.


I suggested the single day poison/bleed prevention already m8