For the uninformed I will paste the Noble changes below:
Pre-change Noble was an incredibly high skill ceiling class that could really shape the direction of the game and, with a bit of luck and skill, build a reliable Blue Dragon network, particularly with the introduction of Private Matter a few patches back.
I’m not totally against the changes presented but I would like the niche filled by the old Noble to be introduced back into the game in some way. Given Priest’s departure from the game, a new class would fit rather nicely to the roster.
Informant (Blue Dragon - Social)/Turncoat (Unseen - Social)
Day Abilities:
Spy Maid (same as before)
Night Abilities:
Blackmail - Prevent a player from voting tomorrow. (Basically Order, but more thematically named to suit a non royal class)
Leave note - Send an anonymous message to another player. They will see it in the morning. (essentially a single target version of a crier)
This class not only brings the OG Noble niche back into the game, but also helps limit the overabundance of Invokers in Cult games by adding another potential social conversion to the mix. Apostle is already an exceedingly rare appearance, which does little to help cult given how strong it is.