I think a big misunderstanding here is people assuming this class can be claimed openly, like the Alch, Merc or Inquisitor, which seems to be the salient point of contention.
My proposal was not at all about that, since it was designed to allow for a fairly decent fake Butler claim. If the NK died, then you could, if you wanted, publicly claim PK and say the only neutrals left are BD-aligned, and then the odds of you getting executed would be low-ish (but not non-existent).
I don’t think a neutral class that defends other neutrals is something you should be able to publicly claim right at the start, precisely because there are a good number of neutrals that seek to harm BD in some way, and in some cases outright see them lose the game. If this class defends all neutrals, it by necessity cannot claim publicly unless NK is dead and all neutrals left are pro-BD.
The only way you can make a class like this publicly claimable is if instead of them defending all neutrals, they work like the old merc with contracts, and begin “aligned” with a pro-BD neutral (Inq, Alch, Merc) and can only re-align themselves to another neutral (including NK) if their starting neutral dies. This works in that it helps avoid BD killing neutrals, since doing so frees up the PK to align with NK, sellsword, fool, scorned, etc. This works backwards with evils, since they now have an incentive to kill the PK’s target (unless it’s alch) to try and get them to re-align with a more evil-aligned neutral. The problem is, of course, that it has the same issues as the old version of Merc.