I know that it probably won’t be reformed for a while, but I still think the current system is wrong:
Dev’s stance:
"It’s important we clarify the rules for bussing (throwing your teammate under the bus).
Voting? ALWAYS np. You don’t wanna be the only one to inno your teammate if 99% say guilty.
If you’re the MM and 9 is the Assassin, and you go “9 is MM”, that is NOT okay… unless! It was previously discussed.
“But why!” Every single time this happens, the person they bussed reports them and makes it a 2-way bus “wtf, mm just outed me”. Suddenly you know who both the assassin AND mm is. GG, game is spoiled. See what we mean?
IF you accidentally bus your teammate as a baddie, they can still hear you at night while dead. Explain to them what happened and why you did it so they don’t report you.
“But why!” Every single time this happens, the person they bussed reports them and makes it a 2-way bus “wtf, mm just outed me”"
-It is not every single time. The devs work very hard, and so do not have time to play the game themselves; because they only see the times that bussing goes bad in this way (through reports), they have a skewed view because they don’t see the times that the person is logical and doesn’t decide to out their fellow team mate
-If I am an assassin and sheriff finds me, I will pretend to be being bussed by the MM so they kill the sheriff. Anyone who just believes those people who out their team mates are susceptible to people like me
"Suddenly you know who both the assassin AND mm is. GG, game is spoiled. See what we mean?"
-it was the person who outed the MM in this scenario who spoiled the game, not the MM. The MM is the victim here, don’t blame him’her
"IF you accidentally bus your teammate as a baddie, they can still hear you at night while dead. Explain to them what happened and why you did it so they don’t report you."
I will do this, it would be mean to just out someone and then not explain why.
Why I want to be able to bus without discussing it first:
-People know after the death of an unseen, especially when the neuts are mostly gone and the prince outed, that there will be a conversion the following night. Because of this, the only way that will not cast unneeded suspicion is if I claim on schedule
-How is sacrificing any different? I am allowed to do it without discussion first, and it results in the death of a team mate for the god of the team.
You might say “But sacrifice is a mechanic of the game.” To that I say, so what? The negative result is the same: They die. The positive results are very similar: By busing them, the BD expends abilities to protect an evil player, that evil player will probably survive longer. By sacrificing them, an evil player can protect themselves by killing investigators and the prince, and can have BD abilities go to waste by killing the BD before they use their abilities
Note: I am well aware that the conversion nights might be off because of immune players, but claiming to have found someone with scout on a night there is not normally a conversion will still cast more suspicion then if I claim it on par with schedule
Other note: claiming to have found someone through scout is superior because an obs who followed you cannot say you did not visit that player
Other other note: If players only out there team mates with scout a day after the conversion, outing someone as unseen with scout off schedule will become more susp as unseen have to take that night to discuss it first.
I am okay with having these rules in a learner’s game mode, and am actually for it. When people are new, they probably won’t bus right anyway. But to completely restrict a course of action in the only game mode of a game makes it much worse.
I enjoy this game, and this new rule will not make the times I am blue dragon any worse, but I am probably going to try a lot less hard as an evil because my favorite tactic is now limited.
My overall suggestion: A game mode where these rules restricting busing do not apply.