The Return of the King


The drinking age there is 18 and I was 19

The underage drinking in sketchy asian restaurants was in Japan because I didn’t realize the drinking age there was 20 when it had been 18 everywhere else

Yeah I was 17 at the time though


But but but

I definitely was in no way aware of that fact :slight_smile:

Now that I’m 18 though… well lets just say ever since quarantine lifted there hasn’t been a weekend when I haven’t been drunk.

It’s been about 2 months since quarantine fully lifted here

I still have the photo of us though

I would be concerned if you didn’t, somehow

Especially considering it’s literally uploaded on the forums

Need to find that thread again

The picture is in the cookie thread, right?

Oh welp, time to scroll through all of that stuff.

No it’s probably not lol

Then is it in the solar car thread thingy :eyes:

What a shocker

I have troubles remembering stuff, okay ;-;

welcome back!

hi luxy!!!


missed you brother
hope things are better now than they were when you left

Oh damn Luxy left

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Our Weeb Slayer as Returned