The Terraria Thread™

I still want to see how long a group of us would last on hardcore master mode

ah yes

let’s add barely fucking visible enemies that look like the 10000 flowers that are around the world, that can 1-shot any player and spawn right fucking next to them at the start and has rapid fire and can’t be taken care of early game


So basically

It’s almost as bad as torch luck

not nearly as bad as torch luck


fuck these

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On my singleplayer Master world, the first two things I encountered were a Pinkie and an Angry Dandelion

I made a new world

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I kinda want to try to beat the game in normal mode using only summon weapons

Finch stick finch stick

Does this include whips


Good luck friend

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Brb gonna do Hardcore Master
See how long I last

my plan after beating master mode hardcore is to go hardcore master mode summoner only without whips

I give myself 5 minutes tops

Do hardcore calamity death mode summoner

it’s not hard to do hardcore master if you really pay attention and take no risks

but after that there’s too many variables to reliably last



most of my runs are ended because I fight an enemy I know I don’t have the gear for or don’t use recall/magic mirror when I know I should

earlygame would suck

wall of flesh would be probably hard? idk how much health it has in normal

lategame wouldnt be impossible, you just need to not get hit and if you arent focusing on doing damage that isnt too hard

Oh god oh fuck its the wind theme

I beat WoF in normal with only imp staff
not hard when you have summoner buff
it’s not that hard when you have 5 imps

Did you know slime staff > imp staff

tbh i forgot normal mode existed because i havent played a non-expert mode in a very long time