The Terraria Thread™

The confusion brain is great

to sell
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should i play terraria

You should definitely play it
It’s a masterpiece

Hmm. it’s 30 bucks for switch at gamestop
I might order it

why is it $30 on the switch when its $10 on steam and very very frequently goes on sale for $2.50 or $5

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I would easily pay 6 times more to play it on switch over steam lol

it’s probably not going to be nearly as good on switch.

Still a masterpeice but it would probably end up being more similar to mobile (which i still have probably 250+ hours on)

but you should get it

for sure

great game

still probably would be really fun on switch

if u have proof that it’s worse on switch, link me to it
i can link my pro controller to my laptop so if it rly is better on steam, i’ll get it there
but i want proof first

image is from april 2017

but that makes it sound worse than it is because the update after was 1.4 and that came out weeks ago

I mean switch doesn’t have the 1.4 update and likely won’t for a while

and 1.4 is a pretty big/cool update

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and UI on switch is likely to be slightly different

And I personally prefer the PC UI

(also yes terraria PC does have support for controllers)

What kind of game is terraria
Gib explanation to a perspective of someone who likes animal crossing, TBSRPG’s, and JRPG’s

its 2D minecraft /s

sandbox game like minecraft, but 2d and you can upgrade your weapons/armor/other things a lot more.

there’s a ton of enemies, items, blocks, biomes, weapons, bosses, great music, and more

it’s a really really fun game

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I despise minecraft so eh
Probs not

(2d minecraft is a meme it’s actually very different)

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How then

i’d suggest looking at gameplay or something

I can’t explain the thousands of fucking differences right here

but it is it’s own game, the only similarity with minecraft is that it’s a sandbox game

this is a fairly up-to-date trailer