The Terraria Thread™

What do menacing and lucky do?

menacing is +4% damage

lucky +4% crit strike chance

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Hot take: accessories which rely on you taking damage are bad.

Which doesn’t mean Worm Scarf is bad, because it’s a different design; it makes your mistakes less punishing.

You mean like panic necklace and the one that makes bees come out of you if you get hit?


I use panic necklace rn because the extra mobility to get away from bad situations is nice

yeah, these ones
i think they are wasted slots because you can just try not to take damage in the first place
situationally useful if you take like 1 damage and wear this for bonus dps (the bee thing)

Imo depends on the accessory
Panic Necklace is good
Honey comb isn’t

I find them useful because even if you don’t try to take damage, it will happen.

I don’t use the panic necklace (which I just now made into sweetheart necklace) because i’m trying to get hit

I use it for situations like when I fall into lava or encounter a strong enemy. Quickly escaping (helped by things like shield of cthulu) is good.

Panic necklace > honey comb but u can combine them so I did :man_shrugging:

yeah that makes sense
i think i’m just of the mindset that it’s better to learn how to dodge
but if you’re melee in early game or something, it’s not exactly easy, and situational uses exist, like you said

just dont get hit 5head

wow a Nintendo Switch for only $30?

ew controller bad
(for terraria at least)

Im not getting terraria lol

I’ve heard and read what I needed
It’s just not my kind of game

It’s a good meme, but it’s also true.

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ah yes, the ultimate architecture of my design

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i call them skyscrapers but they are closer to sticks pointed upward

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…soolit why are all your npcs cramped at the bottom
what are the upper floors for

and what’s the orange thing on the right
your house is still infinitely more developed than mine, but i have numerous questions
