The Terraria Thread™

i just abuse absurd amounts of green solution

cat > dog

this is also what i usually do

i build artificial biomes occasionally and then leave the world to rot

i agree but he still cute

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she probably won’t get it but i appreciate it

just carry wire clippers with you

and check them about the same frequency as you would place torches

.04167 days perhaps

imagine not carrying a grand design with you at all times

Alright time to try and kill wall of flesh and die 50 times

just make a hell bridge and its pretty not hard if you’re sufficiently geared

might have to clear some buildings

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did I make a throne room above my house for my cat


yes I did


i’ve done quite possibly everything I can pre-hardmode

i’m just scared of going to hardmode even if I know I can steamroll the WoF

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I just did it today

Is worth it I have wings now


but i’m also afraid of wings because I have god boots and i’d have to give those up :frowning:

God boots still good you can go speedy

Imagine not using god boots and wings at the same time

can’t wait for the supreme calamitas resprite

Suprem Clamtas

why does endgame mage suck so bad in clam smh