The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

Cedar keeps his focus on the wheel and the ocean as he continues to sail Xed towards the home of the Golden Dragon. He decides to talk to himself to calm himself down.
“Alright, Cedar. Ya have to speak in front of a group ya never met soon, so keep ya cool and don’t go back to being that klutz ya were before.”

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“Literally any way you can be freed from this book you would wish to pass by? Also… I didn’t screw everything up, did I?”
One guy in cover clothing and mask was strange. Two guys in cover clothing and masks seemed like a macabre ritual for some unorthodox religion… And well, pretty much it was what they were.

“Didn’t you say before that the book can’t be freed?”

“Maybe it is able to possess someone or to be polymorphed”

Marian glances towards the book.
“Can you?”

“I don’t think they would have lied before, but it also could be not to worry over that as… bringing you to Corax was more important.”

He takes a clean cup and pours tea on it, handing over to you and repeating what had been said before to contextualize Richard.
“So you claim to be a Lionheart?”

She had heard steps. Thankfully, if the entire place was dark, the basement should be embraced totally by the shadows.
“You there, Draco?” With bloodied clothes that the boy could not see in the dark (although the animals probably could smell), she went in his encounter, walking upstairs.

As he was on the steps he heard her voice, trying to think what to do. He had to hide the voice in his head from her “I’m fine. Just getting some fresh air with my friends. There’s a meeting in town I need to attend”

“That is fine, but you are weak enough to barely walk, put aside think properly. You really want to go? Give yourself a slack”
She hears the noise at the oven, remembering of the tea she was doing earlier and forgot about completely.

“I’ll be fine… Thanks for your concern. I have my companions with me, please do make yourself as comfortable as you can be though” he had his sword on his back and whistle around his neck as usual. It was obvious he was determined to leave but not why…

“Wolves can’t think for you. Reunions are more than a matter of presence.”

Sighing he shook his head “It’s not a reunion per se… We have a lot of notes to be told. It’s a meeting of all classes of the Blue Dragon”

“You could not even understand half of them in your current state. The body supports the mind as well and you can’t even walk.”

“Of course it does which is why your God can hear everything and pick up on it for me. He is so amazing after all.” That… Was painful to say and yet since she seemed to like him perhaps this would work perfectly

She noticed the falsefulness of your tone, alerting her something was wrong.
“If Mithras wanted you to know something when you aren’t even near comprehending it, they would send it in the form of whispers when the time was right.”

“I’d suggest you let me past. Do you want a group of over 10 BD knocking on the door… Including a paladin? For your safety you should not be so concerned in my life. I’ll come back, after all, this is MY home” He reached backwards towards his sword

“Go and break your feet because I carried you all the way as you could not even fucking walk, if your ego is so greater than your good sense.”
She stood still, not noticing the sword in the darkness.

He sat down on the step above him and sighed… he couldn’t attack her, it’d be too rude. Yet she was clearly vicious and something had to happen “Even if you don’t want to be friends, I have my companions. They only serve me and they are all I need”

What the hell is with the guy. Honestly, I don’t care. It is not worth to discuss over. She went upstairs to check the stove, the water of the tea dry and the leaves starting to burn over. “What are you even talking about”, she asked in a much calmer tone than yours.