The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

I’m dumb )
(I’m double dumb)
@MaximusPrime The place you went to open the box was reserved for the noblehood. Unless someone of the royal family — all occupied this time of the day, with the exception of the king who wasn’t there — or a noble unannounced to be in the castle hopped in, your chances of being found out were almost null.
Or so they were, until you heard the door whisk.

“Get going, lass.”

Andar leaves the tavern right after Faris leaves the table, leaving the tab, of course, for Faris to pay. The rain has subsided and he still needs to deliver the wine to the capital.

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As Richard left with the box, Zynx and her butler had to see what was so important in this box so they followed Richard with their own wagon to his place. Once Richard goes into his place, Zynx and her butler open the door after some time to check in.

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Hearing a noise out of a sudden while examining the familiar place to check if anything had changed since his last stay, Vilhelm looked through the door to see there a small, young girl standing with her butler. The duke adjusted his diadem with two fingers.
“Lass? Would you be… Zynx of Scythzar?”

“Yes, I would be Zynx of Scythzar. Who would you happen to be?”

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He examinated the lad, an eyebrow raised.
“Duke Vilhelm”

Cedar groans on his bed in the ship slightly turning his body towards the side facing the wall. The pain that once surged through his body has mostly disappeared, but the fatigue is still present. He gives a small frown and lowers his eyebrows.
“Damn it, Cedar. Ya always know how to fuck things up. If only ya weren’t such a clumsy dumbass, then ya would have added another piece of treasure to the collection. But… was it really treasure? I mean, what can a bunch of scrolls do to help anyone let alone a crew?”

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After getting a cut from the pay Faris was getting from the tavernmaster, she now had but 10 silvers. (For a job)

She walks out of the tavern and to the marketplace.
“Lass! The usual?”
She smiles and puts out 2 silvers.

After buying 2 weeks worth of rations… she went up to the innkeeper, asking to keep some for when the youngins from her village came by.

Would the village really be alright without me? She wondered. There were kids training to do odd jobs… Ain’t that good at that yet. I’ll quickly wrap up my business in the capital and come back.

She goes to the docks, admiring the view after a long day…

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“Time to go.”

The rain has stopped. Andar climbs the carriage full of wine and gives the barrel a final check. No leaks. He gives the tether a pull and the horse starts pulling.

The rain makes the road harder to traverse and the pace of the journey becomes slower. Not that Andar minds. The carriage stops his leg from being covered by mud until his knees.

The horse rides casually, heading for the capital.

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You see a lone man sitting at the docks, admiring the view also. He seems to be in his own little world, as he hasn’t reacted to anyone passing by.

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She plops down beside the man, noticing this man whom she never seen before.

“The view of the busy docks livens you up, am I right? The sea beyond, wonder how’s it like.”
She grins.

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Zynx whispers to her butler

“Could you go and wait for me outside the room please”

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The man did not seem to hear you, as his gaze did not break away, and was still in his state of near motionlessness.

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“Hey senior, lookie me.”
She nudges the man with her elbow in order to gain his attention.

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A boy, who you could only assume was a messenger, sees Eral outside the room. He gets excited, possibly at seeing someone who was not a noble, and looks around the room. Sensing the coast to be clear, he whispers:
“Hey, y’know the nobles have been in a right ol’ fuss? I heard that the king has been away for a while now, and he hasn’t come back or said anything? It’s like all the higher ups are in a state of disarray!”

Just after he said this, a man grumpily called for his name, and he sprinted off almost instantly.

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Eral wonders to himself about what the boy was trying to tell him and nods to himself.

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From the window nearby, Cedar can see the woman that escorted him out of the forest alongside an old man looking dazed. He gives off a yell hoping that both of them will hear him.
“Hey! What the hell is going on here?!”

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The man drearily looks over your way, before his eyes widening, and him collapsing onto the floor in shock. You see him scramble around on the ground before looking your way a second time, and seemingly calming down. He gets off of the floor and stands up, dusting himself off.

“Ah, sorry.”
His eyes seem to slowly close, before them opening abruptly.
“What was it that you wanted?”

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The man slowly shifts himself over to you, seemingly confused.

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(so he’s a boy?

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