The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

He grabs a knife from his belt and points it away from him keeping caution of his surroundings. He attempts to step out of the room to try to get some contact to any of the other crew members that might be aboard.
“Who’s there?! Ya are hiding inside a ship occupied by multiple people, so don’t try anything funny.”

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You have no stake in this conflict. This was merely an avenging of the people of Alnester by killing the scoundrel who enabled their killers to pillage and murder without legal repercussion. If you were raised by the Green Kraken, you will know that your entire life has been a lie spoonfed to you by a drunken man who died the day he forsook his humanity.

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Cedar stops moving but he does not let go of the knife as he raises his voice.
“The captain saved me from dying in the middle of the Ocean! If he lost his humanity, he would have left me and the rest of the crew to die!”

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The figure stills themselves, taking off their hood to reveal a heavily scarred, pale face.

“Is that what he told you? That he saved you from a watery grave?”

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Cedar grits his teeth and grips the knife even tighter trying to look more powerful than he already is.
“How else would I still be here?”

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“I tell you, it’s all a lie he perpetuated to himself forever. He saved a child because he believed he could be something greater than he was.”

The figure looks down in earnest.

“I’ve no way to prove this truth to you, except my own words.”

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“And I have no reason to believe ya. Even if the Captain was corrupt, ya still took a life! He had friends, a family, and a crew loyal to him including myself! What do ya think they will feel when they realize that one of their loved ones died at the hands of a killer?!”


“You read that message, didn’t you?”

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“I did, but that could have been made up. I can’t trust words alone, only actions can sway me.”

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“You know his signature, correct?”

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“Of course I do! I’ve seen it many times before. Everyone on this ship has!”

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The figure tilts their head “Doesn’t that signature match that of the writing pattern on the messages?”

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Though a sneaking suspicion… She didn’t like the vibes she was getting from the man when he said “casual conversation” earlier.

Ah shucks. Real bummer, but spicy is the way I like it.

She gets on her feet, and the white robed mercenary decided to go board the ship. She walks towards the ship, intending to get an audience with the people in the ship.

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“I-It does… but it could be forgery. Anyone could have placed a fake letter if they knew him long enough.”
Cedar’s voice is not as confident. He wants to believe what he has been told before, but the arguments against them are circling around in his mind growing deeper by the second.

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“I’m sorry.”

“After I entered the room, we began talking about several matters of importance.” The Figure struggles to continue, mumbling a bit.

“He knew instantly who I was even before we spoke. He kept that hidden from me until I brought up the topic of Xed, and what Xed once was. That was Alnester.”

A single tear went down the figure’s tired, wracked face. They shifted their eyes away from Cedar, turning their back to him.

“Alnester. Alnen” The figure sobs.

“He never wanted you to have to hear this. Told me to leave as quickly as I could. Even took the window off it’s hinges.”

The figure looks back at the body of the Captain.

“Every time he looks at you he sees what he once was. He sees an ambitious young man with a heart of 100% gold substitute. He said it himself, with a tired laugh. Now that it is all done, I forgive him for what he did back then. His life grants peace to all those that fell, and to himself.”

The Figure looks back at Cedar. “I can understand what he meant.”

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Cedar’s eyes water and he looks at his knife reflecting on what had just been spoken to him. He drops it leaving himself empty-handed leaving for him to sob.
“I-I’m sorry… I’m sorry, Captain…… If my blade had been drenched with blood, then I guess he wouldn’t forgive me…”


“That should be the last of them.”

Andar’s words hears no reply. Raul has left the tavern, leaving him all alone in the cellar. Andar shows no sign of disappointment and climbs out. Lunch time is almost over. Anne, the barmaid for the day shift, is washing some dishes when Andar climbs up.

“Raul leaves your share on the back table,” she says without turning her back.

A single bottle is left on the back table, with a few silver scattered next to it. Andar pockets the silver in a clean sweep. The bottle, he holds against his cheek.

“Hmm, undiluted. Pretty generous of him. Hey Anne, want to share a cup and give me some-”


Her answer was succinct and curt.

“So cruel. I’ll be sleeping then, wallowing in my despair of being rejected by a pretty lass.”

Stag Crown Tavern is one of the better tavern in the capital, and one of the large taverns. The tavern has two building, the left one for bar, and the right one as an inn. Merchants are its main costumer, although some locals have became a regular as well. Andar, however, permanently resides on room number 1 on the second floor.

Without anything to do until the evening, Andar goes to his room to take a nap on the roof. It’s quite simple for him to jump out of the window and climb to the top. The ceiling was wet from the rain, but Andar counters that using a plank of wood from his room, specially prepared for occasion like rain.

“Hm. This is good night, then.”

A swig from the wine bottle, and Andar quickly slips into the realm of dream.

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The Figure approaches Cedar slowly, dropping their blade.
“He forgives you. The only regret he had was allowing Leonard’s weakness to take advantage of his weakness.”

The Figure shifts their forlorn gaze to the body. “This…g-great man’s fall should be reason enough. The crown ruined him. The prize overtook him.”

“No being on this earth should have to undergo this tragedy that is the life of this man.”

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“So is that why I’ve been hearing about the King being passive?.. Because he’s been doing nothing but to harm us? To hurt others like…”
Cedar’s voice drifts off unwilling to finish his sentence as his eyes drift towards the Captain’s body.


The Figure breaks down in tears.
“He’s taken everything away from all of us. From you, and from I.”