The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

“D-Dethrone?! I may be able to find treasures deep underground, but dethroning a corrupt King?! How the bloody hell am I supposed to do that?”

“Oh, all you really have ta do is just find yer contacts on the inside and slowly roll over the kingdom. Maybe we exploit their recent incident with the Golden Dragon?” He licks his cheek like a weirdo with a smirk.

“That’s not such a bad idea, but I don’t have any contacts except for the crew.”
Cedar scratches his head still unsure of himself.

A man enters the tavern warily. He glances around the place then paces toward the 'keeper, pushing people out of the way as he travels over.

“The names’ Dawson. I’ve been informed of the presence of some, unsavory individuals dwelling here. I’ve been tracking a thief here all the way from the port.” He said still paranoid of the atmosphere of the place.

“You wouldn’t happen to know one of those fellows, wouldn’t ya?”

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“Oh that’s the easy part.” he cackles. “Ya see, I’ve already formed a bit of an underground bullpen fighting rink around those parts. They’ll practically fall over for your majesty and splendor.”

“Now the hard part is actually getting an audience with the Queen there. Heard she’s a real bitch from word a mouth.” He elbows Cedar playfully.

The figures in cloaks seem to be bowing before a man with his hood down. He is preaching a sermon about some gods; they’re called Mithras and Corax? This is all happening while a fire begins igniting one of the figures, who cries out in joy.

The figures appear to have rounded up one small child and have bound him to the ground.

A costumer, eh? One so early in the evening, too, thinks Andar to himself.

He is not one to brag, but Andar is well-informed on the on-going in the capital as an informant. The man’s paranoid attitude… must be a well born. There isn’t really much thieves from the port running to capital. So it could mean… the box, maybe? Or something else?

“Don’t know what you’re talkin’ about. I’m a straight man of law, you hear?”

He chuckles. That sounds funny.

“Of course, maybe I overheard something here and there. Your offer sounds a bit too poor for my taste.”

“I’m not discouraged by ya description although I guess I may need more practice in communications, hehe.”
He rubs the back of his head with a nervous smile.
“So where exactly is this fighting rink anyway?”

“In the castle, dungeons. Turns out the Bailiff is a pretty approachable guy.” He then mutters. “And a drug addict.”

Hold on, that’s… that’s my village they are at! Ryan! No!
(Ryan is the young child)

Where is everyone? T-those sick bastards! I’ll…
She reaches for her back… but then nothing is there.

There’s gotta be something I can do! There’s…

But yet her thoughts fail to grasp a solution, all she does is study the situation and stuck behind a tree.

“You see, there was a man whole stole several of my scrolls that I kept for safekeeping. I tracked him down to this here establishment. There’s no way he got away from me sight.” He flares up with a bit of egotistical pride.

“You said you were a man of the law, right? Can you help me find the thief?” Dawson says with a bit of trepidation.

“I neeeeed it back.”

“Well what are we waiting for? We need to charge in!”
Cedar becomes eager as his fists close and his face is filled with determination.

“As Mithras accepts this child openly into his arms, we praise him for his generosity.”

The Leader cries out before falling down on his knees next to the child.

“nah. One thing he told me to teach ya was patience…and maaaaybe the ability to hold a conversation for more than a minute without lookin like a fool.” He says with the appropriate amount of winks.

“Besides, we need to gather the crew under a new Captain!”

Yup. Good, well-born educated man. Probably never worry about where to find his next meal.

"Sure, " says Andar, taking another spoonful of his porridge. “20 silver for now and 20 after we’re done if it’s a straight chase. You can afford that.”

His determination automatically fades away.
“So who’s going to lead us then?”

Parn chuckles, booping Cedar on his nose. “You!”

Despite all the heart in the world, she could not move. Perhaps it was the years of being a mercenary, that screamed in her body not to move. Two voices screaming over one another, and the voice of reason won over the voice of morals.

There was nothing she could do.

His pupils shrink in shock.
“M-M-Me?! Ya have got to be joking, Parn! I have the leadership skills of a passive toddler, how can I lead a crew on my own?!”