The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

addison moves around trying to collect some herbs

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is still in the ring of cultists but is perfectly fine and doesn’t seem scared. Shame the knight lady had to go but at least there’s a camp so everything was safer… Right?

The knight returns from the camp, with a few more guards. She seems more pissed of than before.
“Hey, you wouldn’t happen to know where that guy in that plague suit went, would you?”

Confused, he perks an eyebrow “Plague suit? What do you mean? There was someone here who left. Seemed like he was a nice guy just observing this area, he was probably looking at me”

“Don’t play dumb with me, kid. The person who was here a moment ago. Do you know where they went?”

Shaking his head, he shrugged “I’m a hunter, I have no reason to lie. I have no idea! It’s against our conduct to lie to an important official without reason! Perhaps they went to town?”

Zynx decides to stare out of her window because she is very bored. She suddenly notices a man and thinks to herself

“It’s that man from before who was trying to be safe from the rain in that weird Jacket of his!”

addison notices someone looking at him

“Wasn’t he lost? Why would he go anywhere else?”
Her hands glow blue.
“Saying you’re a hunter. That guy said he was a physician, and he wasn’t really, was he? What makes you any different?”

Laughing he shown his sword which bears the BD sigil on the handle along with his whistle, enscribed from the dead ex-paladin. “I’ve killed many cult members myself and assassins. Perhaps you should do something worth your time here or do I need to call my bear over?”

Zynx is still talking to herself

“Oh no he sees me.”

Zynx stops staring at him

“I wonder what he has been doing at the forest”.


“Oh, I’ll do something worth my time.”
She rushes towards him, her fists flaming. Some guards try to hold her back, but she breaks through them, jumping and thrusting her fist forward into your face.

”that was weird” addison thinks to himself And proceeds to collect some kind of herb from the ground

A loud shout echoed from the hunter’s lips as a sound of a charging beast was heard “I told you to be careful and do something good. Perhaps you need to do your research. Unseen nor cult have access to my companions and this big bear here will not deal with your violence!” He said as he took the hit “Quite strong really, shame that you’re all brawn with no brain. Go back to training, greenhorn. You need to learn the truth and not harm allies”

Zynx rings the bell to call her butler

Eral: “Yes, young master?”

Zynx: “Do you see that man out there? I want to know what he is doing. He is disturbing a beautiful view of the forest with his filthy Jacket! Could you please go and ask him what he is doing?”

Eral: “As you wish”

Eral leaves and meets the guy in the forest

Eral: “Excuse me, my master wants to know what you are doing in the forest”.

”And Who is your master?”

“My master is Zynx of the Scythzar Family. Now could you answer my question please?”

”Just taking a walk and enjoying nature”

Zynx is staring at them talking

“Is that all?”

he tenses up a little bit

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