The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

“Thank you for answering, kind sir.”

Eral bows and leaves to report to Zynx

Eral: “He says he is just taking a walk and enjoying nature, master”.

Zynx: “Thank you Eral”.

Zynx starts thinking to herself again

“Does he just enjoy walks so much that whenever I look outside, he’s always there?”

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addison decides to go back to hunter he saw before

addison notices hunter talking to knights And decides to hide in bushes to observe situation

Calling his bear and wolf to his side he started to move away, walking deeper into the forest “I’ll be moving on ahead. You non-knights can catch up with me later… Knights, please just don’t be so annoying. I’d hate it if none of you survive” Now walking with his bear and wolf, sword and whistle out and visible he felt confident… Damned Knights never helping out, killing BD all the time. So typical

addison decides to follow hunter trying to remain unseen

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 8

Thinking he can hear a rustle in the trees he keeps an eye out while he walks. It was a good distance from the knights anyway so why would someone be hiding…? Unusual

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 12

Smirking as he moves he called out “Whoever is there, come on out… You cannot hide from one attuned with nature such as myself”

addison comes out after hiding behind a tree

shaking his head he eyes up Addison as they make it towards the river “Welcome to my home… Sort of at least. There were knights looking for you”

”Did they say why?”

“No… But they were angry. Seemed to suggest you’re a fake physician”

he tenses up a little bit
”Did you tell them Where I went?”

Shaking his head again he laughed “Tell them? The worst defenders? Even if I did they wouldn’t have listened. They have no brains”

”Thank you I guess”

”Where are you Going right now?”

Pointing a bit ahead “The river… Much more peaceful, elegant even. Something the worst BD members don’t even try to find”