The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

addison continues to walk silently

A short while later they reach the river, nice vibrant plants blossoming around the sides. A natural paradise really, birds flyingā€¦ Nature uninterupted, completely different to the other areas ā€œIs what they say about you true? Iā€™d be willing to hear you outā€¦ As you surely knowā€

ā€Well I was physican before until several events happend ā€¦ā€
he goes silent

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Gesturing with his hand he said ā€œThen feel free to go for it. Tell me everything about the events, if you donā€™t mindā€¦ What was converted Physician againā€¦? The ritualist or the errrrā€¦ Ugh sorry the Unseen are much more complex with namesā€ He stifled a laugh, sitting down on a log since it was nice and sturdy

ā€I was physican working for goverment a Good one in that matterā€
he looks down
ā€However My parents had some personal conflicts with nobles And So did Iā€
he convers his face with his hand
ā€ Thanks to their influence My parents were charged And executed for something they didnt And I lost My jobā€

Looking down to the ground he shook his head ā€œI apologiseā€¦ The King and everyone can be quite corrupt. May they rest in peace and they be aveneged through your lifeā€

ā€T-Thanks for listening me outā€

ā€œOf course, let me just go retrieve the box.ā€
Richard leaves the room, only to return a short while later, holding the box in his hands.

Cedar gets off his bed and walks over to the Captainā€™s Quarters to see if he can see Buk one more time with a sorrowed expression.

Cedar enters the Captainā€™s Quarters to see the captainā€™s body being lifted up off the ground by several of the crew. The Crew is still visibly stressed by what happened.

Cedar covers his mouth with his right hand trying to not shriek in fear. He still isnā€™t used to seeing a lifeless body looking just like the Captain. He walks over towards the crew in a slow pace so he can calm himself down before he can speak towards it.
ā€œSoā€¦ where are we taking the Captain?ā€

One of the crew says to Cedar. ā€œWeā€™ve a ceremony for the captain. Back at the capital of the Golden Dragon, they heard the news and were dumbstruck. One of the missionaries from their place who lives in a monastery on our land offered to hold a funeral for the Capā€™n at our capital Xed.ā€

Parn then walks into the Captainā€™s Chambers. ā€œAnd weā€™re planning to go return back to the capital for that purpose, Cheddar.ā€

ā€œā€¦ Can I at least speak to him once more? The grief is very hard to bear right now.ā€


Parn signals to the crew.

ā€œSet him down somewhere. Weā€™ll leave the room to give the guy a moment.ā€

The Captainā€™s body is set down on the ground and everyone other than Cedar has left the room, leaving him alone with the body.

(geyde will I trigger something if I go walking around forest?)

(For sure. It might not be cult-related though)

ā€œI will go nowā€
Addison takes a walk around forest

Addison walks around the forest, eventually spotting a man with a cloak appearing to be foraging. Your herbal knowledge helps you recognize that the man is foraging for Nightshade berries, an extremely poisonous fruit.

He places his hand gently onto the Captainā€™s chest and closes his eyes as his voice is in a whisper.
ā€œCaptainā€¦ I know ya were a strong man, brave enough to take actions no man would make. Ya had always been like a father to me, I never really had a mother figure, but thanks to ya, I didnā€™t need one. Ya had inspired each one of us to keep going no matter what happens. I wish ya were still here, but most wishes never come true, do they?.. I know I would never be as good as yaā€¦ Iā€™m afraid of taking ya place on ya ship, but the title was thrusted upon me with no other option. But donā€™t worry, once the Kingā€™s rule is over by my hand, ya shall be avenged.ā€
Tears start to flow out from Cedarā€™s eyes and drop across Bukā€™s chest including on the black rose that still remains.

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catiously addison comes closer to that man