The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

:game_die: 4

They struggle to find anything at all to hunt whatsoever.

They finally giveup after not finding a target for so long

Zynx: “We can return now. We havent found anything for a while now. Atleast we took down a bear”.

Eral: “Yes, Master”

Then they head back home

Richard turns so he’s completely facing you, instead of angled partially at the doorway.

“Vilhelm, whatever you saw must have stressed you out. I get the sense that it is best if we both go take a short break, as I would be distressed to lose the pleasure of your company. I will leave the box here for now, so it does not seem like I am using it for any nefarious purposes.”

There’s a short pause as Richard considers what to say next.

“Regardless of what happens, I will always be your friend.”

A large leap of faith, leaving him with the box? Perhaps. But there is no one that RIchard trusts more in the world than Vilhelm. Not the other nobles, not his allies, not even his own servants. After standing around for a second to gauge Vilhelm’s reaction, Richard exits the room, walking toward the kitchen.

(not sure how good this is, dm me if there’s anytihng i can do to make it better)

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She realised.
This was never about her.
They always were by her side.
A simple life was content enough for her.
And enough for her village. Who didn’t know that they were in precarious states?

But was she?
@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 15

addison goes to his house and continues to make research on herbs
@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 8

“Hey no, what’s the rush? Come on here and join us for a drink, will you?”

Andar tries to pull the man’s hand with his left hand. He’s still drunk, but being followed makes him alert. In any given moment, he is ready to hit the man with the bottle.


“One like you could never understand how content we were.”
“We never needed a merciful execution.”
“I may not know much, but I do know one thing.”

She looks at the being known as Mithras, shuddering, but not backing away.

“You killed off my family. And I will have my vengeance. Till my last breath, I will resist you.”

Vilhelm looks back, the slight pause between the repositioning and the discourse making him starting to calm down. The discourse greatly did the remaining parts. With the reaction bait, he slightly nodded while moving the hand out of the pommel, taking the box over with both hands to transfer it to wherever he was accommodated.
He put it under the bed, locked the door and threw himself without second thought over it due to general exhaustedness — travel and experience.

Cedar faces towards Parn and speaks in a gentle voice.
“I tell ya what. We can go by the nearest tavern and ya can get any drink ya like. It’s on the house.”

{I will timeskip one or two hours}
Unknowingly how much time passed as on his perspective he only closed his eyes, he confusedly opened the door and searched for Richard on the manor. No sign of anything. He took a scribble of paper, filling it with ink.

“I will go to the capital now. Normally I would resolve my matters there now, but in the current situation I find it better to reunite with you first. I shall return.”

He left it over the table in the room they were, trying to be vague on information of the box. Locking the door to the bedroom where the cursed chest was hidden, he went on his way over his own horse to the capital.

The capital is the same hustle and bustle you are used to, but with the added presence and abundance of knights around, you can’t help but feel uneasy.

You overhear a conversation with a group of knights.
“You were in Adiart Forest, right?”
“What’d you find?”
“Not the King, unfortunately. Just some dumb hunter and some dumber civillians. One troublemaker was with 'em, trying to fool my squad , saying they were a doc.”
“Unfortunate. Did you capture the troublemaker?”
“Nah, the rookie guards let him go. He got away.”
“Tch, let me know if you find the whereabouts of the King.”


He lowered the rythm of the horse’s beats, approaching the guards.
“The King has been missing?”

The knights turn to you, then bow. The tallest one speaks to you.
“Yes, my lord. For between a few hours to possibly a day. We fear about his whereabouts, and Prince Lars was the only one to see him actually leave. We’ve questioned him, and he does not know where he has gone.”

He squished his eyes as hearing the information, probably going to insult both of the royalmen If he wasn’t in front of the guard and instead with Richard.
“I will head to the castle and possibly send a group of trackers, if surprisingly it hasn’t already been done, without raising panic on the populace.”

after making research addison decides to Take a break And walk around the town

(Le Time Skip to a half-hour)
Cedar quietly sips on a jug of ale as he watches Parn drink a lot faster.
“Ya know, alcohol isn’t so bad after all, maybe I can be an alcoholic with enough practice.”

“Don’t worry, my lord. We have it under control, and have squads all over the land. Word hasn’t got out yet. Most parts of Adiart have been checked, and soon, we should’ve checked everywhere.”