The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

(They arrived only later since they are slower than you)

(T H E K N I G H T I S S T I L L D A Z E D O N T H E G R OU N D btw)

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(She had one Job)

(what you gonna do when you do it while they’re unconscious)

(idk if it’s more op
for this drug to exist, for the target to still hold normal forces or for it to be instantly effective)

Approaching the guy, Vilhelm withdraws his rapier while still mounted on the horse. Reaching you, he presses it against your neck in an attempt to make you back off until you reached a wall.

(you didnt catch him)

(He is faster)

(So now you can go superspeed with no drawbacks?)
( nani?! :V)

(There will be drawbacks)

(it’s not even only a horse
It’s a nobles’ palfrey
Palfrey being a lightweight breed that runs fast and is suited for long travels)

(like :V)

(which drawbacks then, because you had been crazily using this drug since you first interacted with the guard

(He will have cooldowns on strong drugs)

(Like Its not even op)

(You can achieve nearly same with horse And it doesnt have cooldown)

(somewhere an equestrian is crying

(mate, you’d have to be running as fast as a car in order to have not been caught up yet)

(resuming the rp @Emilia
All Vilhelm is doing is pressuring you to back off until you reach a wall)

vilhelm loses sight of addison due to small speed disadvantage And addison hides taking advatage of that