The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

“That’s exactly how every demonic contract works. They bid you in an attempt to get you to sell your soul to them!”

Faris rises up from her bed. Her lungs rising and contracting rapidly. Her sweat running down her neck, even if it wasn’t hot in the slightest.

Was it just a simple dream? No. That was, that was…

She got up. Instead, moving out of the room, towards the forest.
She had to go back to the village. To grab some things.

Lillian believes someone is watching her, but is not sure if someone is actually there or not.

In any case, she found exactly what she was looking for, alongside a type of herb she had never seen before with her own eyes.

“Well, I didn’t sign it. I cancelled last minute.”

“If they go missing further than two days, I could probably assume the throne temporarily. Unless we send an informant immediately to my mother.” He paused his speech as he perceives the maid, returning when it is closed.
“Damn, it’s lord. Lord! I’m not a knight.”
Vilhelm let the papers down, still not touching them while glancing at some words.
“Shall we go or do you want some more chatter?”

Faris is stopped at the door of the inn by some guards.

“Halt, Faris! We have been informed that you illegally gained shelter here through intimidation, alongside attacking another bar guest last night!”

“Explain yourself!”

Lillian tucks the herbs away safely in her bag before calling out.

“I know you’re watching me. Come out, there’s no point in hiding.”

Her hands move underneath her cloak toward her dagger on her belt.

(yes, this is a bluff. i like bluffing. btw what does the herb look like?)

“What were you dealing with the demon for? Money? Power? Fame?”

“We can chat at the table, I’ll send my maids away after the meal is served.”

“It’s not really your business, right?”

“Seems fair” Vilhelm stands up and let Richard take the lead.

“On the contrary, it very much is.”

“Ya know me, I ain’t that scary. And hah! Injuring a man? That’s a far fetched story if you ask me!”

She doesn’t have her usual perky smile. Instead, there’s a sadness in her eyes. Though she attempts not to let it show.

Did I assault a man? Wait, when? Who now? I don’t remember anything of the sort.

There is no response. Heavy breathing could be heard, however.

*Does it belong to a human, or to a beast? You don’t quite know."

“A drunken man stumbled into our station, their face bruised and beaten. They said you assaulted the man after confronting you when you stole a piece of silver from him”

The guard readjusts his gaze, narrowing on her eyes. He nods.

“I know it’s not like you to do that. But if you truly did it, I’d want you to admit it. It’s easier that way.”

“Alright, then.”

Andar suddenly grins.

“10 silver and I’ll tell you.”

The mere mention of the bribe causes the man to fume in zealous rage.


cough"all I can say is that I didnt do that"

"That I am, " he nods in agreement.

“Information’s my business. Can’t give out free merchandise.”

“Stealin?” Her voice goes up a pitch.
She was accused stealing?

“Who accuse me of stealing? In my 21 years I ain’t never did a dishonest business nor broke the law!”

Think, Drunken man, where do you usually see drunken men?
