The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

The man was clocked in the head immediately after he made his comment about it not being great by the man on his right.

The aforementioned right hook came from a man with a scar through his face. He points toward you in gesture, saying that “The queen of the Golden Dragon hasn’t quite had many encounters with the Navy. They aren’t scared at all of them. That’s why we are sending this plan; not because it works but because it should get them on board.”

When attempting to leave Adiart to go to the forest, a street guard with a scary looking battleaxe gets in your way. He’s huge, and could probably crush you if you tried anything.

“State your purpose and intention for leaving Adiart! Now!”

Richard simply nods.

“Yes, that is probably for the best.”

“Isn’t it better to have a plan that works and gets the Golden Dragon on board? That way, you’ll be hitting two birds with one cannonball.”
Marian gives off a cocky smirk towards the pirates to show dominance.

“W-woah, no need for the axe! I’m just heading to the forest to gather some plants, that’s all. I swear!”

Lillian also instinctively takes a couple steps backwards.

(also this brute dumb af, intention and purpose mean the same thing)

“That’s another problem entirely. See, Adiart is one of the most long difficult lands to take…ever. Proper defenses on the port and heavy guarding means that isn’t a viable option. Their relation with the Navy means an attack by an inward weaving river doesn’t work. We’re kind of out of options.” He scratches his head, sighing.

“Got any brilliant ideas?”

“Proof. Now!” The brute does look like a complete idiot. You definitely shouldn’t say that to his face, though.

“If there’s heavy defenses on the port, why not just place the ship somewhere else?”

“Trust the voices? No, that’s not possible… Or trust the cult? That lady has made the cult be scum of the earth. I must destroy her as soon as I can”

“The Navy” He sneers.

“Don’t tell me the Navy surrounded the area around Adiart.”
She places a hand on her forehead.

“Have you heard something? Like screams in the background. Should be probably a guard, though.” He lowers the rhythm for a moment, quickly ignoring whatever he talked about.

“Ooooooh, talking about that, I forgot to say about yesterday when I encountered you, my bad. When I played guard kind of accidentally.” His voice tone changed rapidly, as it usually did when he started to monologuing.

“Basically I talked with the guard post at the entrance and a really uncanny guy was spying on the conversation without even trying to hide.” He looks at Richard, waiting for reactions.

His head is gripped by his arms. It’s almost like you can read exactly what he is thinking: ‘Yes, and we’re fucked.’

Lillian tentatively hands the brute her medicinal license, although it’s a bit old and worn. Just how old is it, exactly?

Oh fuck, I should’ve renewed my license a long time ago and now I’m paying the price, aren’t I? Fuckfuckfuck


Marian grits her teeth in frustration.
“Can’t we just attack them first?!”

The brute takes the license, looking at it closely before handing it back. It doesn’t look like he could have read it in the first place. He does look a bit on the dumb side.

“You can go.” Said as he gets out of your way.

“Not happening. Absolutely not.” Visibly nervous when speaking.

Lillian releases her breath, glad that she didn’t get her head bashed in.


Snatching her license out of his hand, she’s eager to put distance between them but forces herself to walk. Didn’t need to attract the attention of someone who actually could read.

Suddenly, Marian snaps her fingers and her eyes widen.
“How about we get even more allies by resurrecting the dead and having them work for us?”
