The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

:game_die: 13

Richard nods his thanks, deep in thought. Probably scheming up another long con, some way to fuck up the Green Kraken or add more power to his house.

She ignores him as she turns her back away from the table and heads towards the exit.
“Can’t hear you, stubbornness is silence to me.”

After walking for about ten minutes, Lillian trips over a root, tumbling down a hill and dropping some of her crossbow bolts along the way. She finally stops, hitting her head hard against another outstretched root.

Vilhelm could see why the man was so fiery about the land that hold their name. He would probably decapitate whoever stole his dukedom as well.
“We are approaching the Castle”

“Pah. And your dumbassness cries out in egotistical praise.”

She walks out of the room completely without a response.

You have left the memorial.

(do i get conked out or is my head bleeding or)

(dazed. sorta like you just can’t quite see right)

After what seems like forever, Cedar slowly awakens still feeling a little disoriented. He takes a slow look around the room to get some clue of where the hell he is. He also gently holds his jaw as it slightly aches. Cedar knows that a table had hit him there hard, but he can’t remember who moved it or if it was an accident. Maybe someone punched him somewhere else too? He’s not sure at the moment, his head hurts too much to fully think.

“Ow! Fuck…”

Lillian crawls to the tree, leaning against the trunk and rubbing her head. Doesn’t seem serious enough to waste a potion on. She stares at the ground for a minute, hoping that her head stops spinning.

Fucking tree. Fucking whispers. Fucking world. Why did this have to happen to her of all people. Always getting the short end of the stick since… Fuck, it’s hard to think straight.

When she recovers(if she does. hopefully she does), she gathers up any items that fell out around her. She could afford to lose a few crossbow bolts, not worth finding them in the long grass on the hill, at least. Where is she anyway?

She can see a figure in all black dart across the land in the distance. A whisper in her mind tells her that it is an abomination. That she needs to avoid it at all costs.
Ringing through her ears is the sound of a fire, but no smoke nor fire can be seen.

Picking up the lost items that she could, she’s ended up with significantly less than she started. Her crossbow bolts have dwindled down to only a few.

Andar goes down on his lonesome. Raul makes no sign of following him. Does he receive command not to get out of sight? He ponders the matter while drumming his fingers.

Oh well. He should probably leave before he has a noose around his neck.

When he leaves the cellar, Andar carries a bottle of honey wine (so sweet! So expensive) with him, grinning like a wild man.

“Thanks for the drink. I’ll make sure to savour it alone.”

Ignoring the other costumers, Andar goes to his room.

Alert again(or as alert as she can be), she slowly moves away from the abomination, keeping it in the corner of her eye. She holds the crossbow at chest level, ready to bring it up at fire if needed.

When going to his room, a man in chain mail follows. It’s clear to you that the man has no noble intentions. Might even want your head.

“Whew um I?”
Shocked, Cedar feels more around his jaw noticing that it’s still swollen.

Good. Good. Now you may come forward.

A flash of some dark behemoth with a distinct red hue engulfs her sight for a moment, before ceasing to exist in its entirety.

“Oh? You’ve awoken?”
A scientist was in the room, surprised by the sudden waking of the Captain.

Lillian tenses up and blinks a couple times, sure that she didn’t imagine that.

Who are you? Stop messing with my head! …Can you even hear my thoughts?