The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

He slowly nods trying to ignore the pain in his jaw

“That’s good. You should be able to move completely freely. I’d just avoid touching your jaw or eating anything for a bit.”

Cedar nods once more towards the Scientist and gets out of bed making sure that his hat is still on. His walk is a little unsteady, but other than that, he’s able to leave the infirmary just fine.

Andar shows no sign of caring. He asks for some hot water to be delivered to his room when he walks past by a servant before entering his room, where he immediately crouch down to shift through his bottles.

Of course, the bottles are not his goal.

Under the bottles, he had hid some things just in case of an emergency. Say, a bottle of explosive that explodes when thrown, a neat weapon he learns from a sailor. When the one who follows him is close by, he keeps shifting through his bottles.

“Uh, you mind if you need to wait for a bit? I need to wipe down after last night’s job.”

Richard nods, breaking out of his contemplation. Never much for words, that man. Always the planner.

The man in chainmail does not reply, then comes to a pause.

He left his horse at the stables, his usual one visibly there.

Another bottle is taken out. Some sleeping drug he got from a shady alchemist. A box of sweet? Who knows how long it had been there. Oh, cheap wine!

After a while, the floor in front of the bed is full of various bottles and random items. Andar turns to the man in chainmail after secretly pocketing more money.

“So, what do you need? Hope you’re not here to say there’s no hot water.”

Cedar looks around outside to see if Parn is around.
“Pam? Pam?”

(uhh what do i do)

Richard does the same, allowing Vilhelm to take the lead. (since, you know, he’s goig to try and become replacement king and it’d be good for him to go first)

He enters the saloon for the first time in a long time, immediately asking the nearest servant where Prince Laus would be.
Oh, so then he went hunting. Great.


The candle he uses for light is half used. Time for food.

Faris walks to the boy’s cell first. He puts the loaf of bread gently on the floor as he kneels down. He knocks on the iron bar to get the boy’s attention. The knock stops his sobbing.

“Food,” he says softly.

The boy looks up. Faris knows the boy will take the bread. He will eat it fast enough to choke himself with tears running down his cheek. That’s how it always is with the street boys. Because he knows, Faris turns away before he can see the scene. He doesn’t want to see.

The cell right in the front of the boy’s is the one for the fake physician. Again, Faris kneels down in front of the cell and puts the bread slowly on the floor. His eyes are trained on the prisoner.

“Food,” he says softly.

Parn isn’t around as you see, but instead a man with a sailor’s cap.

He hands you a piece of parchment, then tells you that it is the presented attack strategy that will be shown to the Golden Dragon in order to sway them to your cause. It depicts a map of Adiart and its surrounding areas and domains.

Upon closer inspection, note is made that no attacks will be able to successfully go through the port or other such areas because of the presence of heavy fortifications and the navy respectively. It mentions a hidden cove not guarded by either that would be great for an attack as their lines would be unprepared for a force behind them.

As best as he can, Cedar brings a slight smile to his face.
“Twan ya.”

Someone needed to get supplements for the Cult. It usually was her as a “lass who lives in the forest” disguise.
And there she went by feet to the capital, on normal clothes.

The capital was… different. Security was tightened, civilians on the roads where sparse, and the area… had a feeling off increased activity.

“All you need to do is not to act suspiciously” She thought to herself as she approached usually where the market square was located.

The market square was reasonably bare, only a few determined sellers and buyers were out on the street. The rest of people were guards, watching over the area.

She hops in and buy a lot of things that would be considered essential by most — mostly food and some clothes, alongside with candles.
If anything? She was the priestess of a nearby village.

There was no real conflict, at the first store The old merchant who ran the first store went on a monologue about how “the damned Blue Dragon could fall and nobody would give a damn.”
However, when you went to the second,to get the candles, there seemed to be a 3 way fight between a sheriff, a paladin, and the owner.