The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

He sighs over their companion’s descript.
“Looking for records on the cruzaders battle against the cultists, from when this land was Blue Dragon”
He showed the cape of the tome he carried around, with the ancient Blue Dragon symbol.
“I look for the origins of this relic”

The guard raises his brow.

“Oh, that.” He points to the opposite corner of the building, behind the two of you.

“It’s over in that general area. We don’t really keep the place that tidy, so knock yourself out.” Shrugging.

“You would do well to actually describe what you were looking for, like the…” He says pausing for a moment, “Guy…you’re with.”

“Oh, him? He’s a friend of mine. He’s really into history, especially around the time before the formation of Xed.”
Marian’s starting to get impatient as she just wants to head over to the general area and find what she and the figure are looking for.

“Nicholas, the mage.” He probably knew where his suspicion came from. “I have been burnt down several times, to keep a long history short. It is more apprecciable to look at with the heavy clothery, believe me.” He says it with the monotone of who had already said it way too mane times, even if it was faked.

“I can see you’re in no mood to chat.”

“I’m not here just to haggle everybody who passes by.”

“Alright then, have a nice day.”
She turns arounds and walks over to the opposite corner of the building.

What the guard said about not keeping the place tidy definitely rings true. In the general area are books, tomes, and the like all kept in the most unorderly, messy way possible by mortal hands.

You might be able to fish out what you are looking for if you search thoroughly.

He enters in the ambient, seeing the inumerous scrolls and books, and starts to flip through them.
One by one, taking the average time they were written.
And sort them into a horizontal pile by date, not looking to be hurried or whatever.
“Which day is it”
Noticeably, his own book was being held tightly.

Alongside the figure, Marian’s looking through other scrolls and books hoping to find something of importance.
“Today’s a Tuesday… I think.”

After a few minutes, Marian digs up a tome with an emblem on it. It seems to be related to the cult evidenced by the blood red mark on the leather.

Her eyes widen as she finds a tome with a blood red mark.
“Hey, Nick! I found something!”
Without waiting, Marian opens up the tome.

If demons could blush… Or if demons had blood… Or if demons… Whatever, he went infatuated to now have a nickname.
He reads the first pages to see what it’s about.

Andrew chuckles.
“Come on! Look at how much information I got in there. I got quite a bit of money for it too. I don’t even need to write that mcuh, and you don’t have to either, just, come on and work for a Noble! It’ll be fun!”
As you expected, the same conversation topic as the other day. It’s the same, and you wonder why he still does it.

The book opens with the traditional table of contents.

History of the Cult

  • Recorded Beginnings…3
  • The Gods…6
  • Surging, and Countermeasures…30
  • Champion Marlvith…45
  • The Crusade…50
  • The Fall…63
  • oiasnvowneowneoiajsdpvonskenmfoiejpohadnfovil.wenjfiowvpadhnv…?

He jumps straight up to oiasnvowneowneoiajsdpvonskenmfoiejpohadnfovil.wenjfiowvpadhnv…?
Didn’t even take twice because he didn’t even think.
“Why is this in a public place”

There is no page for oiasnvowneowneoiajsdpvonskenmfoiejpohadnfovil.wenjfiowvpadhnv, so you can’t get to the page.

Looking back at oiasnvowneowneoiajsdpvonskenmfoiejpohadnfovil.wenjfiowvpadhnv, the words are shifting around ever so slightly.

Marian’s eyes widen towards the figure with his sudden actions.
“What the hell are you doing?! You don’t know what kind of creepy shit is in there!”

Perceiving it was probably about himself and that it would be hella suspicious if all stopped when he suddenly got away from the book, he simply went to the page of cruzades.
“It is only a book”

Erbit shakes his head at Andrew and performs a “go away” motion over the stair banister with the flick of his right wrist.

"Now see here, Andrew, I don’t want to have to tell you this time and again but it seems to elude you each and every time I mention it, I am not interested in selling baseless and vague stories for profit. All I could ever want is right where I stand. Unearthing the true problems of this city is my one and only goal, I need not be distracted by this thoughtless money-making scheme you have going on.

Why don’t you make yourself useful for once and scope out the port, I have rather enough on my plate trying to decipher these last few sightings."

Erbit moves to turn away, muttering what sounds like “and good day to you” in a rather frustrated tone of voice under his breath.