The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

If you, say, killed the paladin, yes there is a way.

“Pssh. Suit yourself. Trust me, one day you’re gonna wish you were doing what I am.”
Andrew exaggerates his footsteps to make large noises as he descends down the stairs.

“He always detects when this book is moved from there? If yes, how?”

Look very closely a few feet above the pages.

He did as such, already preparing a spell to make the building go on fire in case the guy was planning to do something against them.

“Nick, don’t tell me you’re actually going to listen to that… thing! It’s fishy as hell with all that supernatural crap!”

You can see an almost invisible, yellow outline encircling the book. It’s large enough to contain a person, stretching down to where you first touched the book to three feet above it.

Try not to burn this place.

One of you need to kill the Paladin. Preferably the girl.

“Me?! Why me over the pyromancer?!”
Marian walks closer to the book trying to inspect the yellow outline.

Do not touch the shield. It will alert him of your presence.

“If I’m not being selfless then I’m putting myself before others… That selfishness, arrogance… It ends poorly for all involved. It’s a lose/lose scenario, I’d rather be seen as a hero than a villain so protection and selfless devotion is my aim”

She takes a step back away from the book.
“I can’t kill anyone, I don’t have the guts to do it.”

”I certainly hope not!” Erbit thinks to himself, as he moves back to his large table to close the book over and continue drawing up his work. The heavy item slams shut and-

“Oh, hells!”

The magnitude of the slam quaked the ink out of its bottle. With a heavy sigh, Erbit takes a rag from out of his breast pocket and soaks up the spillage, but the ink running onto his pages of illustrations was not the largest of his concerns.

Now he’d have to step out of the tower and go outside to purchase some more ink.

And a new rag, for that matter.

Wearily, Erbit collected all of his findings together and placed them in a drawer in his desk, bolting the things safe. He then looked towards the stairs.

“Let us hope that the city has ceased disintegrating itself under its own ignorance for one day, shall we, Mr. Norfolk?”

Erbit makes the long trek down the stairs and leaves the watchtower for what seems like the first time in months.

He even took distance from the book to be extra sure he wouldn’t touch it.

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Being seen as a hero will cause you to starve to death here. She will wait until your resistance breaks down. She will kill your animals in time.

Everything you care about will die unless you swallow your pride and cede yourself.

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The Girl.

The paladin had not noticed her when she came in.

“If you want to do things ilegally, you will have to get used to killing law enforcers.” He whispers to the girl

“So… I can just stab the Paladin without him taking a glance at me? I mean, I would probably need a disguise just to be safe, but…”

No disguise is necessary.

His tired eyes have never expected an attack from the flank.

You will need to strike up conversation though.

“Do I need to be the one on chitchatting?”

He will attempt to kill you.