The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

“Yes, I thought so.”

“I’ve been willing to let her learn from my markings… Surely she’ll continue after a while. Perhaps she’ll get bored and let me go or maybe she’ll have reinforcement. Yet I doubt this is all she has been aiming for. There is no need to worry yet, giving in is the coward’s way out, I am no fool nor a poor fellow.”

“Why wouldn’t he try to kill me? I’m not any different, right?”

You are not marked by a troubling past.

You must do this to save Buk. I have the spell locked away, far away. I will only give it if I am freed.

“Important nonrelated question. Evil spirit, cultist or demon?”

None of the above.

Marian takes a deep gulp as her body slightly shakes in fear.
“Fine, I’ll do it, but I rather not speak about it after I kill him, got it?”

The Coward’s way out conjoins with the same road as that of the prideful oaf.

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I solemnly swear not to.

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“Siding you whatever the costs, my friend”

I’ve no will of my own. I only seek respite from this cage.

All the hidden secrets of the world are in my mind.

She glances an eye on her knife attached to her belt as she slowly walks out of the room.

You walk out into the main foyer. The Paladin you were told to kill sits at the table in the corner. He looks on at the door with weary eyes, a sniffle, and a sigh.

Marian walks closer towards the Paladin trying to remain as calm as possible.
“You’re looking down in the dumps, what’s wrong?”

“I know how it is”, he murmurs as she leaves the room, making sure her ears couldn’t hear. “What exactly are you?”

The paladin murmurs something, you can’t quite hear it.
“Just another day in the life of a servant. Always reaching for something everyone around us tells us we cannot attain.”


She’s now a few inches away from the Paladin and it looks like she won’t stop there.
“We can always achieve something if we believe in ourselves.”

“Take a seat. Tell me about yourself.”
He motions toward an empty chair opposite of his.

If he could smile, he would be.
“For all sakes please don’t mention my existence to anyone or anything. If this condition is complete, yours also won’t be. Deal?”