The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

Regrettably, there is no freedom from this tome.

After that Paladin dies, I will attempt to drag that girl down the path toward embracing Mithras.


Marian takes a seat and starts to look towards the Paladin.
“I’m just a crew member of the ship of Xed. I’ve only been there working for three years, but the others are getting used to me.”

“Most interesting. What do you do on the ship?”

He shows up his own tome, although the devil would already know that.
“I don’t know for how much time I had also been trapped. Which year was the cruzade on, and which year are we now?”

“I mostly take care of the injured or the sick and occasionally invent stuff to help make my task easier.”



“What are you inventing?” He leans in closer, but out of arms reach still.

“Potions that make the healing process much easier, faster methods of transporting people with broken limbs, you know, the usual junk.”

“Any grand aspirations?” Said with a forlorn look.

“By the way, the girl wants to learn necromancy. Should be easy to convert, although I fear when she will be able to detect my presence as well.”

Interesting. Who does she want to bring back.

Marian stands up from her seat and walks right next to the Paladin and pulls out a scroll to place it directly in front of him. It looks like to be some sort of wooden exoskeleton outlined on a generic human outline.
“I wanna find a way to be able to see our loved ones again. I’m sure we all have relatives that we would have loved to see more of, so I thought with this, that dream can become a reality.”

“That’s a grand, noble pursuit.” the Paladin when saying noble looks down at the ground, completely dejected, then back to the bottle on the table.

“I bid you luck on that.” Said with a smile, “I must ask though, why did you initiate this encounter?”

“Because I… I… had no other option.”
Marian’s left hand now holds the knife that was on her belt, goes behind the Paladin, and plunges the knife in his back where his heart would be.

“An entire army to help tripulate the pirate ships.”
He looks at the book.
“So if you can’t be moved from there, being freed would just killing the paladin?”

“a…aa…” He sputters, trying to get out something, anything.

His head slams against the table, blood oozing from the wound. He’d been betrayed by a fellow man. The dejected eyes for once in their lives only shown fear and confusion.

“Eli–z-abeth.” His hand was splayed out to the sky, reaching for someone he could not save. Blood spat out from his face when trying to say the words.

The last vestiges of life drained from his face, leaving a dead, dejected corpse who failed to save.

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Marian drops the knife she had used to kill the innocent man as she almost breaks down into tears.
“F-Forgive me… Please… Forgive me!”

Protect the girl from the guard. Now.

The guard charges into the room, seeing the horrid sight before him. Narrowing his gaze on the man’s killer, he cries out “YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO HIM!”

He charges toward the girl, unsheathing his blade.

Lillian spins around, shooting a crossbow bolt as soon as she does.

(heck yeah reckless alchemist let’s go)