The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

Draco the Hunter, updated journal. Dated 2-3 nights ago.

As I venture out on this cold eve I will go hunt down some more sacrifices for the Prince and King. I’ve been told to bring a head count of Unseen and Cult towards them and so I shall fulfil. Luckily I found one foolish man and got my wolf to bring this back, a cultist preaching loudly, he’s probably been executed already since my wolf informed the guards of his presence. I have killed a total of 38 cult and 14 Unseen by myself and have helped to kill another approximately 100 scum. Soon I shall have to go before the king as I earn my knighthood. No matter how much I hate royals it seems I cannot escape from them. It is time to learn and share that learning so we know the our foe’s weaknesses. I shall be swift and return soon, the river has been calming with that unseen lady too

She already was sure the guy was being friendly to attempt to deceive her eyes until he learnt enough of the cult, but those anotations made her believe his intent was to get her to bring the hunter to the remaining members himself, preparing an ambush. Idiotic move, Palie should say, as her herself ambushed him first.
She looks not up, because Mithras isn’t an invisible imaginary deity on the clouds, but down — not to the earth, but at her own body. Truly, it didn’t matter where she would chose to look at — Mithras’ presence was everywhere, principally now the house’s door was marked by the seal of the cult, written in a blood cut of the cult leader by the houseowner’s blade.
“I see you had greater plans for me than executing him there. Maybe it is to also get all of his beasts? Whatever you decide to do with the offering of this house, please acept it” She whispered to herself.
@cheesyknives (the hunter’s house is marked in the door by a cult seal and it should give a random effect when night comes)

As she spoke about his beasts a slip of paper fell out of his journal:

My companions mean everything to me and I would do anything for them. Shall anything happen to them I shall eliminate all in my path. There’s one thing I know, in the past my beasts were taken by a nobleman in order to frame many cultists, this caused me to become a mass murderer for false reasoning. Shall this noble be brought in front of me, not only shall he suffer my wrath but my beasts will show him what lying shall be worth. Shall this noble be reading this paper, do not look any further, you are trespassing and a wanted man. For now I shall continue to slay more people and that will just add to your sins when I reveal it’s all due to your own lies. Best of luck surviving the storm that shall come for you.

Turning over the paper revealed some more words, once again in red which nobody else would notice

The words are false in this journal merely meant to attack the one who harmed his companions. How he has access to all this magic is unusual since he’s not magical himself perhaps he has contact with a court wizard? The truth is that he doesn’t kill, he merely gives some people over to the prince and receives the praise as he drags the bodies back to his own home. Even the King doesn’t recognise this since he believes his son to be innocent from all the merciless incidents involving people going “missing”

“What matters is not the kill. What matters is the capture. It was not like the prince by any chance would spare their heads as well.” She murmurs.

The numbers are also far exaggerated. Yet if he was unleashed to hunt nobles, he’d slay all just for vengeance for his comrades

“Who the fucks lies to themselves on their own personal notes. That’s stupid.” She rests her head at the back.
“Okay, I had a plan. Any place with paper and ink?”

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There’s a whole bunch of spare pages in the journal that he hasn’t wrote in

(guys am i still alive)


(Yes! Yes you are. Your leader has been looking for you and went to Draco’s house in Town)

The shopkeeper slowly tilts their head up, putting their book down. She sees you and her face seems to lighten up a bit, even if it isn’t all genuine.
“Ah, ink, was it? Yes, we do. But if you’re looking for just regular ink, you might want to go to the other store.”
She points towards its direction
“Thingy is, the ones we have are more… magical items. If i just gave it to anyone, I might backlash from some priests.”
She laughs awkwardly, as if there was some sort of joke.

Magic ink? Pfft. Not interested. Who knows what inaccuracies it might create in his work?

“Well then that’s quite alright. I’m no priest, no magic user, and the work I need most certainly does not need the arcane arts to assist it. I think I shall venture forth to the ‘other store’, as you so quaintly put it. Have yourself a nice day, oh - and be wary of those in red or purple robes. Just my advice to you.”

Erbit nods his head and travels in the direction the shopkeeper pointed.

You notice the shopkeeper narrow her eyes at the mention of red robes in particular, as you walk out the store.

Venturing out into the street again, the group on guards seem to have spread out into other areas. However, their presence is still notable, and you can feel their presences as they watch you enter the other store.

It’s more of just a stall, really. Various more general items and the like. Doesn’t seem like it’ll sell any ink, but, it’s worth a shot.

As some drops of water land on your head, you feel a tingling sensation, this prompts a voice that says;

“Leave me alone, you metal trasheads!”

Eh? Well, whatever. Erbit would check that out when he finds his ink, after all, it’s not like he could note it down yet anyway. Erbit looks towards the shopkeeper and speaks, this time a bit louder to shut out the commotion from outside.

“Excuse me, do you sell bottles of ink here?”

The shopkeeper appears angrily, with a stick in his hand, running at a high speed. He stops right in front of you, looking you up and down, then retreating the stick into a pocket.

“Eh? Sorry about that, sonny. Thought you were one of them knights that keep asking for food over and over. But ink, you say?”
He shakes his head.
“No can do. You can try the store next to me, it’s the only other one open! Heard they did sell that.”

“Goodness gracious me, what a rigmarole just for some ink. I certainly do hope you’re correct in your assumptions, sir.”

Erbit nods his head, and mutters some warning about people in pirate hats off the coast before moving on to the store the old man pointed towards.

“Excuse me!” Erbit was becoming less and less patient with each moment he stood outside. “Would you happen to sell ink here?”

The voice of the woman from before responds.
“You already came here, and you didn’t want ours.”
“Don’t you have anyone you know that you can ask? People aren’t coming out that much thanks to those people intimidating everyone.”

Oh goodness. Was Erbit’s memory becoming that bad? At this rate, he won’t even remember what the shop looked like from the argument he spotted beforehand.

“Oh of course, my apologies. The brain’s going a bit haywire from the commotion, I do think. Erm, well it seems that perhaps the ink you have is the only stuff available and well, pardon me for saying but I don’t really care much for the outside so I’d like to get this sorted as quickly as possible. Firstly, could you state the price of the ink you sell here, and then what exactly is so magical about it?”

The shopkeeper sighs.

“That’s fine. It happens to the best of us.”

She starts speaking in a monotone voice,

“For only 10 silver, you can get our ink. But that’s not all. It has certain magical properties. It prevents anyone else from seeing it, unless you wish them too. Wow, don’t you want this amazing bargain? It is essential for anyone training in the ways of Photine.”

There is an awkward pause, and she continues, normally this time,

“But what they don’t want me to tell you, is that it slowly drains out your magic over time. And if you don’t have any, it slowly seeps away at your life energy instead.”
“Well, not by THAT much, and for most with a substantial amount of it, it won’t affect them at all.”
“Just warning you. I tell most people that, but they still buy it anyway, because it’s magical.

Marian starts to sweat exhausted from walking for such a long period of time. She turns her head towards Nicholas.
“How long until we reach the hideout?”

Lars sees the man, and is in a state of utter confusion. Who is this man, where did he come from? How did he even get in? And why is he calling Vilhelm brother? Maybe he missed something

“Sorry if I appear to be rude but, who are you?”